The Resurgence of Ancient Wisdom: A Tale of the TULWA Symbols

Frank-Thomas Tindejuv
The TULWA Chronicles
5 min readJul 17, 2024

In the annals of human history, there are moments when the veil between past and present thins, allowing glimpses of timeless wisdom to shine through. Such a moment has arrived with the resurgence of the TULWA symbols, ancient sigils of power and transformation that have reemerged in our modern world, carrying with them a unified message for those with eyes to see and hearts to understand.

These symbols, now reimagined as the Trinity Blade of Unity, the Triadic Depths of Ascension, and the Connections of Light and Love, are not mere artistic creations. They are conduits of energy, windows into a higher realm of consciousness that has called to humanity since time immemorial. Their reappearance now, in this age of turmoil and transition, is no coincidence.

Long ago, it is said, when the world was young and humans walked in closer communion with the forces of nature, these symbols were known and revered. They were carved into stone, woven into tapestries, and passed down through generations of wise men and women. But as civilizations rose and fell, as humanity turned its gaze outward to conquer and possess the material world, the true meaning of these symbols was lost, fragmented, and forgotten.

Yet, the energy they embodied never truly disappeared. It waited, dormant, in the collective unconscious of our species, biding its time until the world was ready once more for its transformative power. And now, as humanity stands at a crossroads, facing challenges that threaten our very existence, these symbols have awakened from their slumber.

The Trinity Blade of Unity, with its upward-reaching sword and interlocking triquetra, calls to the warrior spirit within each of us. It speaks of action, of the courage to face our inner demons and outer obstacles with equal resolve. This is the Yang energy, the masculine force that drives us forward, cutting through illusion and fear with the sharp edge of truth.

But action without reflection leads to chaos, and so the Triadic Depths of Ascension emerged alongside its counterpart. This symbol, with its arrow pointing both up and down, reminds us that true growth often requires us to look into the darkest parts of ourselves. It is the Yin energy, the feminine wisdom that knows the value of introspection, of sitting with discomfort and transforming it into understanding.

And binding these two, harmonizing their seemingly opposite forces, is the Connections of Light and Love. This symbol speaks to the ultimate truth that underpins all existence: the interconnectedness of all things. The sword of action, the sun of enlightenment, the heart of compassion, and the star of higher purpose — all are united in this powerful sigil.

As these symbols spread across the world, carried on the wings of the internet and the lips of those who recognize their power, a subtle shift begins to occur. People who encounter these logos find themselves drawn to them, feeling a resonance they cannot quite explain. Some begin to wear them as jewelry or display them in their homes, not fully understanding why, only knowing that doing so feels right.

And slowly, imperceptibly at first, change begins to happen. Those who align themselves with the energy of these symbols start to notice small shifts in their lives. They find themselves standing up for what they believe in with newfound courage. They begin to face their fears and shortcomings with compassion rather than judgment. They start to see the threads that connect them to others, to nature, to the vast tapestry of existence itself.

This is the true power of the TULWA symbols — not as objects of worship or magical talismans, but as reminders of the potential that lies within each human being. They serve as focal points for intention, as triggers for the remembrance of ancient truths that have always resided within us.

The message they carry is both simple and profound: change begins within. In a world crying out for transformation, these symbols remind us that the most powerful revolution is the one that takes place in the human heart and mind. As each individual aligns with the energies of action, reflection, and unity represented by these logos, they become a beacon of change in their own sphere of influence.

And so, the ripples spread outward. Families find new ways to communicate and support each other. Communities come together to solve long-standing problems. Businesses begin to prioritize ethics and sustainability alongside profit. Leaders emerge who are guided by wisdom rather than ego.

The TULWA symbols do not promise utopia or instant enlightenment. Instead, they offer a path — sometimes challenging, always rewarding — towards a more balanced and harmonious way of being. They invite each person who encounters them to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, to become a living embodiment of the principles they represent.

As the symbols continue to resurface in art, in meditation practices, in philosophical discussions, and in everyday life, they weave themselves back into the fabric of human culture. They become a shared language of transformation, transcending barriers of language, religion, and culture.

In time, historians may look back on this period as a turning point, a moment when humanity remembered its inherent unity and began to act from that understanding. But for now, the story of the TULWA symbols is still being written, one transformed life at a time. Their message echoes across the ages, calling to all who are ready to listen: Awaken. Reflect. Unite. The power to change the world lies within you.

Further Exploration: Diving Deeper into TULWA

To continue your journey into the TULWA Philosophy and explore the concepts discussed in this article, we invite you to look into these resources available on

This Medium article is created by me, the founder of the TULWA Philosophy and co-written by Claude AI.



Frank-Thomas Tindejuv
The TULWA Chronicles

Actor/Writer/Artist/Human - A Norwegian man on a quest to enlighten and inspire through thoughtfulness born out of personal transformation.