From a Devoted Church-Goer to an Agnostic

I left the religion that used to be my lifeline — because of new information that gradually changed my perspective

Mark Chu


Photo by John Price on Unsplash

Getting Baptized

When my mom gave birth to me, she was 11 days short of her 19th birthday. She was a kid herself.

A few years later, she met some young missionaries from America. They volunteered to preach the gospel for the church without pay for 2 years when they turned 19. These boys were (still are) very, very popular among girls/women in Taiwan. In fact, in our mind, people who speak English are better humans; if they’re White, especially from America, they’re put on a pedestal and worshipped.

She got baptized right away, though I’m not sure for the right reason. Few members join for the right reason anyway. For a short period, she brought me to church, and even gave a talk or two to bear her testimony. But very soon, I guess she got bored; maybe the handsome missionaries she liked finished their mission and went home. She stopped going to church.

When I turned 8, my mom suddenly told me I needed to get baptized.

“What now?” I had no idea what that meant.



Mark Chu

I’m a professor of psychology at a small university in southern New Mexico. I like playing musical instruments, basketball, and writing stories.