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Our Turning Points: Our Second Chances

Sunny H
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3 min readMay 1, 2021


Hi everyone,

Welcome to the very first edition of THE TURNING POINT’s monthly newsletter! First and foremost, thank you for your readership and submissions. This publication is very much for you as it is for me; I really intend for it to be a place where we can find support, share in our experiences, and know we are not alone. Somewhere, someone, has likely been through the same. Likewise, somewhere, someone, has been impacted by your story. So, thank you for sharing.

From finding our worth, to finding who we are or are meant to do, these stories are great reminders the importance of living our highest truth and alignment.

I Always Knew I Was Gay, But It Took Me 21 Years to Realize It by Emma Celeste

By surrendering to my own resistance within, I’m now able to feel my own heart in the way it has always wanted to love.

Finding My Worth as a Writer by Ashley Paramo

I didn’t see myself as a professional writer who deserved to be paid. I saw myself the same way my boss was treating me: as a beginner writer who should be grateful for the opportunity.

Re-wilding Myself: How My Hunger for More Led to a Life with Less by 1Psuedonym

I can’t do this anymore. I’m at my breaking point.

Unfurling My Creativity Has Helped Me to Find Myself by Ewelina Adamczak

It has also made me realize the cage that I’ve locked myself in for such a long time. Out of fear of disavowal. Out of fear of being marked a failure.

Love, or My Destiny? by Mark Chu

It isn’t a bad life…but would I really be happy? Do I want to settle down?

Push or Pivot: Making Big Life Decisions After the Pandemic by Simone Keelah Brathwaite

Do I actually like my job or do I just like the people? Do I and this person make sense together or is this situation just comfortable? Do I like living here or am I just scared to go elsewhere?

Losing My Job Was Like Being Handed A Future on a Silver Platter by Kristi Keller

The day I received the message to come to work for a one-on-one meeting I simply said to myself, “Whatever this meeting is about, I’m open to it and I accept it as part of the journey I’m meant to be on.”

From a “Low-Achiever” to a Psychology Professor by Mark Chu

Know who you are and what you can do.

All the while understanding that maybe it’s the small thing that becomes the big thing that will end up pivoting our lives.

The “Big Thing” That Will Change Your Life by Andee Scarantino

Often, the thing that actually changes our lives is very small.

And finally, in learning resilience, love, and acceptance in ways only life can teach us, I am humbled by how all of us are not only surviving, but thriving as much as we can, working with what we’ve got.

The Day I Stopped Dying by Gloria Miles, MBA

The morning I realized my heart was broken, but still beating, was the day that I finally stopped dying.

Chronic Pain Brought Me Peace of Mind by Emma Celeste

In my desperation to escape my body, I dove deeper into my mind and found a place that I never wanted to leave.

May we all be grateful to the turning points in our lives that have led us to where we are today, and embrace the ones to come that will lead us to where we want to go.

Happy writing and be Sunny :)



Sunny H

Individual in her journey of growth and spirituality // Looking to capture others’ stories about life in THE TURNING POINT publication