Photo by Dariusz Sankowski on Unsplash

Story and Submission Guidelines

Sunny H
Published in
2 min readSep 13, 2020


**UPDATED December 5, 2021**

Hello there!

Thanks for considering to tell your story :)

What Kind of Story?

Below are some leading questions aimed at what the gist of your story should be about. You can answer all of them, or just some of them. The narrative doesn’t have to flow in that order either, but do write in narrative form, not like you are just giving answers to questions; flesh out the story.

  • Everyone has events in his or her life that mark a prominent turn that led them where they are today. Choose one. What was that event for you?
  • Why was that event of such significance?
  • What actions and/or decisions did you remember taking that led up to that turning point? What were your thoughts on those actions?
  • Why did you think the actions you took were right for you at the time?
  • Were there any one deciding factor that pushed you over to one decision or another?
  • In retrospect, did you feel like it turned out to be right? Would you have done anything different in hindsight?
  • What lessons did you glean out of that? How did those lessons directly influence you in who you are today?
  • Do you feel like your life story is over, or are you just getting started, or somewhere in between?
  • If you have words of wisdom for your younger self then, what would they be?

Feel free to use any pseudonyms. I only want the events to be as factual as possible. Write in first person.

Include in personal pictures if you feel comfortable to make your story more compelling.

How to Submit

If you are not yet a writer, please fill out the below, and I will add you soon.

If you are already a writer, then go to the three dots in the upper right next to the Publish button, select ‘Add to Publication’, and choose .THE TURNING POINT.

Please tag your pieces with either one or more of these tags: Moment of Clarity, Enlightenment, Growth.

I look forward to reading your story and sharing with others so we may all have a better understanding of human frailties and be inspired. Thank you for your honesty.



Sunny H

Individual in her journey of growth and spirituality // Looking to capture others’ stories about life in THE TURNING POINT publication