The Brutal Pain Of Letting Go

How Do We Let Our Children Fly?

Michele Maize


Family Portrait 2019 by Author

So many emotions run through me as the days are getting closer to my daughter flying the nest.

She is pulling away and has been for months. The last college letters should be coming in soon.

Seventeen years went by way too fast. Everyone says this and it’s true. Almost 18 years ago, my life changed forever. Being a mom has been my identity for a long time. As a mother, I have been a friend, confidant, provider, driver, party host, therapist, and more.

Transitions and change are hard. They are inevitable but that still doesn’t make them any easier. I’ve been trying to stand back and let her find herself. Sometimes she wants me close and other times she doesn’t. It’s painful for me to not feel as important to her anymore.

When you become a mother, your heart explodes with joy. It’s the miracle of life that you get to watch unfold for the next 18 years of your life. 18 years is a long time and then it goes by in a split second.

My daughter is something I am very proud of. She’s smart, kind, a good friend, strong-willed, and fiercely independent. She is everything to me.

From watching her movements and moods, I know she can’t wait to leave and start her adult life. Why does this hurt my…



Michele Maize

Sober Traveler | Wannabe Vegan | Yoga Addict. Extrovert turned introvert who loves dachshunds. Owner of "The Maze". Editor at Black Bear and Globetrotters.