My experience Coming Out via a viral article; and other lessons I keep relearning.

Christopher Boyd
5 min readOct 22, 2021
Me, the author. Still Bi as hell.

I sat back and watched my first Medium article ferry deep into the interwebs. I could be validated for being authentic or vilified for being different. If someone — just one person — saw my story of how I found the strength to rise and live authentically, I’d level up in this life.

That’s what I told myself, at least.

I glued my phone to my hand for the next 72 hours and feverishly scavenged for new Facebook comments like an addict searching for his next hit. I had unknowingly bet my self-worth and happiness on this Medium article.

I found a Facebook group dedicated to supporting ‘Real Men,’ 60,000 members strong. I thought someone might be seeking the support I was once so desperate to find, and I thought it akin to providing a lifeline to my former self when I was at my worst. I posted and waited. Within seconds, the first comments:

“Trying to get claps and attention for announcing sexuality…. its’ not courageous, it doesn’t make you a hero, it’s your sexual orientation. Congratulations, it wasn’t your choice and it’s no one’s business to begin with.”



Christopher Boyd

Dad to the best kids, friend to the best people, focused on feeling all my feelings.