The Questions Of A Young Mind?

Rubie Miseda
The Turquoise Paper
4 min readMar 6, 2018
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Who are we? Where do we stand? Who owes us? Who do we owe? Those are the questions that pass through a young person mind. These questions can be explained as the illusion of one’s unconscious infiltration of thoughts that are hidden in vocational closets waiting to rupture, and out spurt into the land of conscious thought. The question we should all be asking ourselves are: is this life we live, the people we associate ourselves with, the experiences of happiness and misfortunate in our lives. How does it affect one’s perspective of the real illusion that faces our mind set in the land of socialism and cultural morals.

My life, your life, who is the one who controls it? Is it the social structure and the morals that have been taught to us since we were young or is it the person behind the mirror that wakes up every day to find the world waiting, curiously to engulf them or we can say, indulge them in the ritual of their unpredictable or predictable life routine implicated for them. Life as I know it can be devoured into many perspective and ideologies written by famous historians, legends, and aristocratic whom have impacted the world. But is this the reality? Are you the one that controls your destiny or is it the world, the world that has seen many experiences and events that tells us where to go?

Is it a ravishing cycle that has been occurring from generation to generation to come that have placed us in the situation in which we are living in today society? Scholars may write that the uncovering ability to obtain knowledge comes from the system of an educational institution, as I would call it. This life that we breathe in, are we, as living organisms, to the one who created it or are we living the lives of those who have socially constructed various disciplines to learn, confined to a specific forum of knowledge that the world calls rational maturity. I come from a land full of excitement, wild animals, game parks and spectacular weather but the question that still runs through mind, is the continuous thought of who am I.

Am I, as an individual in this world constructed to a confined rational forum? Is rediscovering myself a metaphor or is it through the fundamental principle that society has places for me? Is my mind computerized in a particular state of mind to believe that I have reinvented myself? These questions still stand at the back of my mind, waiting for a chance to roar out and create a distinction for me and the world. Everyone today is full of unpredictable surprises. People in contemporary modern society start living their lives in an initialized manner to fit in with others, to be at one and appreciated by their fellow human mates that share the world with them.

Who are we? Why do we do the things we do? It is said that each individual has unique aspects that differentiate them from every person in the world. The question still stands, why? As individuals with unique aspects of creativity, why do we still fondle in the mist of other people’s shadows? And these people’s shadows, who mentors them and aspired them to behaviour and have the ability to install such principles in another person’s mind? So the question still up rises does the world we live in till death do us part constructed by a foundation of elements moulded individuals into a certain criteria of behaviour, attitudes , strength and weakness as a personality. Everyone in this world comes from a particular places, culture, religion and language but we should be asking ourselves? Did our forefathers or the empowered fathers of today create a parallel equilibrium for us to be, act and entail ourselves in a constructive manner that is supposedly labelled as a personality?

We should all ask ourselves why we behave the way we do? What exactly is the root or the cause of such distinction and symmetrical linages in our lives that directs us in a particular dimension in this world? The other contradiction is, are we learning the principle elements of an individual historian that wrote his thought which whom the world has expounded into various disciplines that run the world. One more question is it greed that compress others out of the lineage of perfected life caused the pain and suffering of other?

My conclusive findings which are still pending find these uprooted questions as the person behind the mirror, the person behind the mask that uphold the key to the lock of the world. As an individual living your life, will you die unaware of the philosophical knowledge of the works and function of the earth? Or are you doing what you have been told to or is it that all our lives and envying others our mechanical life of what the world entails us to do. In my perspective I clarify and classify that we are living a lie, a lie that has been told for generations, which has not yet been unfolded. However it is too in-depth to uproot the cause of the truth about who we really are.

The person behind the mirror can only watch and wait for the day individuals can understand the blinding them from the actual rituals being developed and placed in the form of “social change” and social life.



Rubie Miseda
The Turquoise Paper

I’m a explorer of words looking for a script to share my stories about being an African woman in an African world.