Helping Your Child Finish the School Year Strong

Dr. Edward Thalheimer
The Tutoring Center
2 min readJun 11, 2021

As the end of the school year approaches, students of all ages begin to feel fatigued with classroom learning. This sensation is especially strong in the warmer months when they think about their plans for the summer and become restless. However, you can do things as a parent to keep your kids motivated and invested in their education. Here are some tips.

Stock Up on New Supplies

After months of using the same school supplies, they may be run down, broken, or missing. Take the time to go through your child’s supplies to see what needs to be replaced. Investing in new school supplies will give your children the tools they need to succeed . Additionally, getting new supplies that they can pick out will be exciting for your children, and they will be eager to use the new items.

Reinforce Positive Thinking

Your children seek to emulate you, so hearing you talk negatively about the school year can impact their motivation. Even commenting that you can’t wait for summer can be enough to drain your child’s ambition, creating a mindset that’s more focused on vacation. Until the school year does end, you should keep the focus on performing well. Talk to your children about school with enthusiasm, and show an interest in their activities. This will help them maintain a positive mindset that stays focused on their academic achievements.

Stick to an Established Routine

Even though the weather is warmer and the days are longer, don’t change the schedule you have for your children. Keep their bedtimes consistent, and try to plan for meals to be eaten at the same time each day. You can also continue to encourage your kids to read or study ahead. When they do accomplish something extra, be sure to reward them. Earning rewards will reinforce good study and learning habits .

You can also keep your children invested in their education until the end of the school year by encouraging them to set short-term goals. These goals can be diverse, including getting a certain grade in each class, learning something new, or any other academic goal that seems worthwhile. Rewarding your children for achieving each goal will help them to strive to continue to attain more goals.

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Dr. Edward Thalheimer
The Tutoring Center

Based in Long Beach, Dr. Edward Thalheimer is the Founder of The Tutoring Center, a successful after-school educational franchise in the United States.