How to Make the Most of Conferences with Your Child’s Teachers

Dr. Edward Thalheimer
The Tutoring Center
2 min readOct 19, 2021

Communication between teachers and parents is essential to a child’s education. For many parents, almost all of that communication takes place during parent-teacher conferences. If you never know what to make of these conferences, here are some tips that might help.

Ask Questions

First of all, don’t be afraid of asking questions during conferences. You can ask how your child is behaving in class, what their teacher expects of them, and if the teacher has any concerns. Be sure to write these questions down before the meeting, so you don’t forget what to ask.

Bring Up the Most Pressing Issues First

Teachers have a lot on their plate, and they won’t have time to go over everything that happens at school. Something will slip their mind, so be sure to bring up any pressing issues right away in case one of you forgets about them.

Identify and Set Clear Goals

When you ask the teacher about their expectations for your child, take some time to identify and set clear goals for your child. If your child is doing well and getting good grades, those goals could be to simply stay on the right track. If they are struggling, work with the teacher to set goals that will help them overcome those difficulties. In any case, all students should have goals for their education, and it’s up to you and your teacher to help identify them.

Listen to the Teacher

Your teacher sees a lot of your child, and they may notice things that you do not. Listen to what they have to say, and never assume that you know more about teaching than they do.

Report on What Goes On at Home

Your home is often an extension of the classroom, so don’t hesitate to report on what you’ve seen. Maybe your child is struggling with their homework, and their teacher can give some advice on how to approach it. Maybe you’re pleased with how well your child is doing, and you want their teacher to know that.

Talk to Your Child

The whole point of parent-teacher conferences is to ensure that your child is doing well in school, so don’t cut them out of the conversation. Children know more than a lot of adults think they do, and your child may have some concerns and insights that should be addressed.

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Dr. Edward Thalheimer
The Tutoring Center

Based in Long Beach, Dr. Edward Thalheimer is the Founder of The Tutoring Center, a successful after-school educational franchise in the United States.