Ways for Parents to Encourage Reading and Writing Throughout the Summer

Dr. Edward Thalheimer
The Tutoring Center
2 min readJul 16, 2021

Keeping reading and writing skills sharp over the summer is an important part of a child’s overall academic success. Help prevent the summer slide with these reading and writing tips.

1. Get the whole family involved.

Kids are more apt to be excited about reading and writing if they have a partner. If you have other children, encourage them to spend time doing these activities together. You can even make a family reading or writing night once a week and all unplug from your devices for a little quality learning time.

2. Utilize technology.

While it’s true that too much screen time isn’t good for kids, the screen time they do have should be educational. There are many apps and television shows that promote reading and writing. Many of these apps are free, making them even more useful.

3. Have plenty of materials on hand.

Make reading and writing accessible to your kids at all times by setting up a work station complete with writing utensils like fun colored pens and paper. You can even create a mini library where they can choose new books to read.

4. Make a field trip out of it.

Summer field trips are a fun way to break up the week. One of the best places to take a field trip is to the library! Go when they have a story time or another fun activity happening. Check with your local library for their schedule of events.

5. Act it out.

Think outside-the-box by having your child act out their favorite story in a play or musical. They can even get their friends or the neighborhood kids involved in this and make it a big production.

6. Create a reward system.

Kids are more likely to do something if they are rewarded for it, and that includes reading and writing. Consider making a reading chart , and for every book they read they get a sticker for the chart. Once the chart is full, they can trade it in for a fun prize.

Getting your kids excited about reading and writing over the summer doesn’t have to be a challenge. With these tips, they’ll easily avoid the summer slide.

Originally published at https://dredwardthalheimer.co.



Dr. Edward Thalheimer
The Tutoring Center

Based in Long Beach, Dr. Edward Thalheimer is the Founder of The Tutoring Center, a successful after-school educational franchise in the United States.