Meet the Team — August 2016

Meet the newest members of the U.S. Digital Service

United States Digital Service
U.S. Digital Service
7 min readAug 23, 2016


Matt Cutts, Software Engineer

Matt answering questions for a recent Quora Session.

Prior to joining the Defense Digital Service, I worked at Google for 15+ years on web search quality and webspam. What I love about the U.S. Digital Service is a that it’s a rare combination: smart, idealistic folks who can get things done, plus a better-than-ever opportunity to make government work better.

Proust Questions:

  • What is your favorite motto? “Believe in truth, protest against error, lead men by reason rather than force” by Frank McVey. The computer science building at the University of Kentucky is named after McVey.
  • Which words or phrases do you most overuse? I probably say “awesome” too much. All that time in California rubbed off on me.

Clair Koroma, Procurement Specialist

In past career lives before the U.S. Digital Service, I was a graphic and web designer, coder, digital instructor, and digital projects strategist and manager. I’ve spent my career working on the savviest digital solutions to give people the information they need to live amazing lives. Hence my arrival at the U.S. Digital Service. I am excited to join the procurement team to tackle challenges in government, and help agencies craft the best contracts for digital services/tools. I am also giddy that I get to do this rewarding work with some of the most passionate, creative, smart, and funny people. My recruiter had me at “hello!”

Proust Questions:

  • What is the natural talent you’d like to be gifted with? I would love to have and know how to use “the force.” Yes, as in Star Wars “the force!” With this power I would, with one wave of my hand: convince my husband that I am always right and effortlessly will my children to always, always embrace their great side. Oh yes, and also with this talent/gift, I would convince everyone that smaller contracts with shorter timelines are a super awesome amazing way to purchase many types of digital services and tools.
  • What is your chief characteristic? I can’t pick just one, so: sarcasm and humor.

Amy Behrens, Design & Content Strategist

Before joining the U.S. Digital Service, I worked as a contractor trying to spread the gospel of plain language and user-centered design throughout the land — with a particular focus on public health issues. At the U.S. Digital Service, I’ll be working with agencies to create user-centered content strategies.

Proust Questions:

  • What is your favorite motto? “If you hold on tight to what you think is your thing, you may find you’re missing all the rest.” –Dave Matthews
  • Where would you like to live? Spring and summer in Cape Cod, fall in Boston, winter in Anguilla
  • Who are your favorite authors? Chuck Palahniuk, Augusten Burroughs, Randy Shilts, Shel Silverstein, Sir Ernest Gowers… we could be here a while.

Sam Gensburg, Engineer & Data Scientist

I’m a software engineer and data scientist originally from the Bay Area. I’ve worked on a wide variety of software projects, ranging from Excel while I was at Microsoft to co-founding an EdTech company in San Francisco. I’ve always been excited about building software that can have a genuine positive impact on its users, and I’m looking forward to working on healthcare tools with the U.S. Digital Service team at HHS.

Proust Questions:

  • What do you appreciate most in friends? — When they know what’s concerning me before I do.
  • What is your present state of mind? Excited!

Kayenda Johnson, User Experience Designer

Before joining the U.S. Digital Service team at HHS, I spent my time as a consultant providing both user research and user-centered design services to a variety of federal agencies. Creating great user experiences, using in-depth user studies and contextual inquiry has become a personal passion. That passion continues to thrive as I work alongside my MACRA team colleagues at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, and lead the user research efforts for the Quality Payment Program.

Proust Questions:

  • What is your favorite motto? — I have two: “Do to others as you would have them do to you” — Luke 6:31 and “Be the change you wish to see in the world” — Mahatma Gandhi
  • Who is your favorite heroine in real life? My Mom — she is my greatest example of inner strength, perseverance and grace.

Nick Heiner, Software Engineer

Prior to joining the U.S. Digital Service team at Treasury, I was a senior software engineer at Opower. At the U.S. Digital Service, I’ve been assigned to the IRS, to help them launch online services to better serve the 150 million American taxpayers. For many people, this is the only interaction they’ll have with the federal government. I hope that if I can help in making these online services easier to navigate and use, people will have more positive impressions of the government.

Proust Questions:

  • Which faults do you most tolerate? Those with good intentions.
  • What is your favorite virtue? Willingness to be transgressive.

Suzanne Chapman, UX Generalist

I’ve been in the venerable land of higher ed, where I was one of the first User Experience Librarians. There, I focused on making large digital libraries and complex websites more useful, usable, accessible, and sustainable. I’m passionate about solving complex problems, making life a little easier for others, and also about jokes that come in the form of venn diagrams. I’ve been a fan of the U.S. Digital Service since its inception and I couldn’t be more pleased to now be working with the Veterans Affairs team to improve the application process for benefits.

Proust Questions:

  • What is your favorite motto? “Art resides in the quality of doing; process is not magic.” — Charles Eames
  • What is your favorite flower? Queen Anne’s Lace.

Meg Peters, Design/Information Architecture

Prior to joining the U.S. Digital Service, I designed websites for the Library of Congress for 7½ years. There I learned a great deal about the legislative process and helped my colleagues understand the value of user-centered design. Previously I worked as a visual designer, content strategist, user researcher, information architect, and project manager for government, non-profits, and private organizations. For me, the best part of practicing UX is satisfying the real needs of real people. I came to the U.S. Digital Service to do that.

Proust Questions:

  • Who are your favorite painters? Degas, Monet, Van Gogh, O’Keeffe
  • Where would you like to live? Savannah, GA in the winter and Upstate New York in the summer.
  • What are your favorite names? Quay, Emma, Lily, Nicholas, Aidan, Ethan, Noah.

Daniel Hoag, Software Engineer

Prior to joining the Defense Digital Service, I worked at Google developing software in various parts of the company, often focusing on backend systems. I never imagined I’d end up working for the government, but after hearing first-hand the meaningful work the U.S. Digital Service does from former colleagues, I decided to take the plunge! I’m thrilled to work with the Defense Digital Service in my stint here!

  • What is your favorite food? A gyro from a street cart.
  • What is your current state of mind? Inspired by U.S Digital Service colleagues and projects I’ve encountered so far and excited to jump in!

David Koh, Software Engineer

Before discovering the U.S. Digital Service, I spent five enjoyable years helping people find love as a software engineer at OkCupid. After working on everything from optimizing matching system memory usage to training artificial intelligence to recognize bad pickup lines, I decided it was time to look for new challenges, and also to find a place where I could help as many people as possible with my particular skill for making computers do things. I’m incredibly excited to be joining such a talented team of people working to make people’s lives better.

  • What is your idea of happiness? Tackling a new challenge every day, and relaxing with family and friends every night.
  • What is your favorite food and drink? Hard to pick just one favorite, but let’s just say that I’m happy if I can kick back with some steamed pork buns and a Fanta Zero.



United States Digital Service
U.S. Digital Service

The U.S. Digital Service is a group of mission-driven professionals who are passionate about delivering better government services to the public.