Meet the Team: February + March

Meet the newest members of the U.S. Digital Service family.

United States Digital Service
U.S. Digital Service
8 min readApr 6, 2018


Jenn Noinaj — UX Designer at USDS HQ

I’ve been working in the tech industry for the past eight years, often finding myself in roles where I’m bringing my user-centered perspective to organizations that aren’t typically known for design. I got my first glimpse into government when I started participating in the Austin civic tech scene and saw the way design and technology could improve the lives of the city’s residents. I’m excited to be a part of USDS where I can continue to help shape our government services. Currently, I’m on the FEMA team, working to help transform the way the agency manages grants.

When and where are you happiest? One of my favorite things to do is go camping. I especially love being outside during the fall, feeling the crisp, cool air and seeing the change in color in the trees.

What is your most marked characteristic? I have a thing for food, specifically tacos though (hence the taco pin). I lived in Austin, TX for the past five years and the city definitely brings its taco game. 🌮

What is your motto? Be the change that you want to see in the world.

Meenal Sedani — UX Designer at Defense Digital Service

I am a UX strategist and designer. Before joining USDS, I worked at Experian in Orange County, CA, where I was responsible for designing Experian loans website. Now, I am at Defense Digital Service. I want to use my design skills to make Military and Air Force software products easy to use.

What is your idea of perfect happiness? A great tasting coffee makes me happy! Being with the ones I love and sharing a home cooked meal together.

What is your current state of mind? Thrilled, motivated and thankful!

What do you consider your greatest achievement? While working on “The Real Cost” anti-tobacco campaign website, we were finding it hard to make it less preachy and gain user retention. Our user base was teenagers. I proposed adding gamification modules that encouraged users to stay involved and we saw significant increase in user engagement.

Cyrus Sethna — Communications Lead at USDS HQ

I am a communications lead at USDS for our component teams at DoD and HHS. Prior to joining the Service, I worked for the General Services Administration’s National Marketing & Communication Division in Chicago. My career also includes leading communications and PR with the Peace Corps mission in Guatemala and the Ohio Senate. A passionate civic technologist, I co-founded Chicago’s first Code for America Brigade, Open Uptown, and co-produce the podcast, Civic Tech Chat.

What do you most value in your friends? I value sincerity, commitment, courage, and passion; qualities I have worked hard to cultivate in myself. Being around other people who share these values motivates me and is intellectually challenging.

Which historical figure do you most identify with? My namesake Cyrus the Great built the Achaemenid Empire, the largest the world has ever seen. Cyrus is renowned for respecting the customs and religions of people in conquered lands. He wrote what historians regard as the first universal declaration of human rights. Under his rule a highly successful system of centralized governance was developed. This government, a precursor to the federalist model, worked to the advantage and profit of all subjects. My name and the historical figure behind it serve as a daily source of inspiration.

What is your motto? Star Wars: Episode V — Han Solo, having narrowly escaped the clutches of the empire, is being hotly pursued by two imperial star destroyers. The only way the heroes can escape is by flying into a dense asteroid field. C-3PO, a characteristically fretful protocol droid, reminds Solo of the astronomical odds against successfully navigating these giant, weightless rocks in the ruthless vacuum of space. The robot’s doubt prompts Solo to bark back, “never tell me the odds!” Solo enters the asteroid field, trusts his skills, and saves the day. No matter the struggles in government, no matter how many people may say “no” or “it can’t be done,” my motto reminds me the odds do not matter. Sometimes doing what is right means going up against a stacked deck.

Bryan Lam — Director of Communications at USDS HQ

I was most recently at Shopify, a commerce platform for entrepreneurs and small businesses, where I led product communications. Prior to that, I was at Facebook where I led communications for various products across Platform, Commerce, and Games, as well as working on developer conferences F8 and Oculus Connect. I’ve also held other communications roles at places including the National Basketball Association, Take-Two Interactive, Activision Blizzard, and others. I am originally from the Bay Area, and graduated from the University of California, at Berkeley. At the U.S. Digital Service, I will be responsible for leading strategic communications and partnering closely with federal agency teams to help build and launch new tools and services.

How would you like to die? Knowing that I contributed to the world in a positive way, and lived my best possible life. That means daring to chase down everything I’ve ever dreamed of doing, and not being afraid to fail spectacularly in pursuit — which has happened many, many times.

When and where are you happiest? When I am outdoors either swimming, cycling, running, or exploring new trails with my two dogs. That’s my home base, and where I am my most authentic self. My proudest moment was crossing the finish line at the Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii. And after recently qualifying for the Boston Marathon twice, but not getting in both times by mere seconds, that’s next on my bucket list along with attempting a 100 mile ultra and climbing Mount Everest.

What is your current state of mind? “You really can change the world if you care enough.” — Marian Wright Edelman

Eunice Garcia — Office Manager at USDS HQ

Prior to hopping onboard USDS, I was at the Office of Records Management as a career Records Analyst and before that, I was an Analyst at the Office of Presidential Correspondence for the previous administration. Overall, it has been a rewarding and humbling experience. Working both in the private and now, federal sector has taught some valuable lessons that I will carry on for life. I am super excited to join a team with the vison of helping and empowering people and making a difference.

What is your motto? “Dare greatly.” I saw this on a car commercial of all places and I thought it was applicable to life as well.

What is your greatest fear? Being locked in public restrooms. When I was eight, I got locked in a public restroom. The lock would not budge open so I was barricaded for a horrifying ten minutes before a store employee heard my screams and opened the door.

Andy Lewandowski — Designer at USDS HQ

I’ve joined the Digital Service at Veterans Affairs team to help make it easier for veterans to find what they need across the VA’s digital platforms. Before coming to USDS, I was a consultant working on reimagining the immigration experience for the 21st century ( and modernizing and personalizing the federal jobs application process ( I’ve also worked on products and programs in hospitality and higher education.

Which words or phrases do you most overuse? “Does that make sense?” after explaining one of my ideas or current topics of interest to a willing ear.

Who is your hero of fiction? Harry Potter. (Duh.)

What is your motto? Keep it simple.

Leah Bannon — Product Manager at Digital Service VA

I am currently focused on veterans’ benefits and improving the claims appeals process. Prior to USDS, I worked with over a dozen agencies. I helped start 18F at the General Services Administration, and led projects like the new, where you can more easily file a Freedom of Information Act request to any agency, the Federal Election Commission’s redesign and cloud migration, and identity authentication tools for USCIS DACA applications. I was also a volunteer organizer for Code for America’s DC brigade and founder of Tech Lady Hackathons.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? More patience, more meditating.

What is your favorite occupation? This one. I believe good tech and government can significantly improve people’s lives. I’m grateful to work on projects I care about with such smart, creative, and supportive people.

What is your motto? “What I hear when I’m being yelled at is people caring loudly at me.” -Leslie Knope, government superhero.

Chris Eldredge — Software Engineer at USDS HQ

Prior to joining USDS, I worked at The Motley Fool where I specialized on platform infrastructure, and led a multi-year transformation of the software release process, moving from a bi-weekly manual approach to a fully automated zero-downtime “deploy whenever” solution. At USDS I’ll be working on the APIs for Veteran Facing Tools. I’m excited to play a part in improving online services for the American people.

What is your favorite occupation? Software engineering! But if computers weren’t a thing, I think I’d like to do something with my hands, like carpentry or woodworking.

What is your greatest extravagance? Oysters on the half shell and a gin martini.

Which words or phrases do you most overuse? “Can’t be too proud of that one.” It comes from an obscure golf video game from the 90’s that my family and I tried one time. We were terrible at it and that’s all the virtual commentators had to say after each stroke. Now I apply it just about everywhere.

The best of technology.
The best of government.
And we want you.

We’re looking for the most tenacious designers, software engineers, product managers, and more, who are committed to untangling, rewiring and redesigning critical government services. You’ll join a team of the most talented technologists from across the private sector and government.
If you have questions regarding employment with the U.S. Digital Service, please contact us at and visit



United States Digital Service
U.S. Digital Service

The U.S. Digital Service is a group of mission-driven professionals who are passionate about delivering better government services to the public.