Our Values

Because how we work is as important as what we do.

United States Digital Service
U.S. Digital Service
3 min readJun 6, 2016


By Mikey Dickerson, Administrator, U.S. Digital Service, 2014–2017

We have talked about the values of the U.S. Digital Service since before it existed. We knew vaguely what we were about from the beginning, and those early declarations have now been refined and battle tested by hundreds of us in the process of making thousands of difficult decisions about what work we take on, and how we do it.

I have learned a simple and precise acid test for an organizational “value.” It is this:

If a statement can be invoked by anyone in an organization, and cause a decision to be re-evaluated or changed, without regard to anyone’s rank or title, then you have a bona fide value. If it doesn’t work that way, then it’s not a value.

I’ve encouraged the U.S. Digital Service to use and acid test the below list, with each other, and with me, because I do hope they are a real reflection of who we are.

Squares made of dark blue, medium blue, gold and white triangles are piled on top of each other to form a pyramid of squares. This represents the USDS value of Hire and empower great people.

1. Hire and empower great people.

Technology alone doesn’t change things — it’s the people who push our mission forward. Strong EQ, compassion, and tenacity are just as important as being a great technologist.

Dark blue, medium blue, and gold squares are evenly spaced on a white background. There is a shadow over most of them, but there’s a circle spotlight over about nine of the squares. This represents the USDS value of Find the truth, tell the truth.

2. Find the truth. Tell the truth.

We expect our people to be humble, not quiet, and challenge the status quo wherever data supports it. As has been said before, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts.

On a medium blue background, rectangles colored gold, dark blue, white, and medium blue are lined up from the top left corner, pointing toward the bottom right corner. This represents the USDS value of Optimize for results, not optics.

3. Optimize for results, not optics.

We work for the people — not credit, prestige, or headlines. This means tackling the hard stuff, even when success isn’t guaranteed.

Lines of blue, dark blue, gold, and white are fanned in a circle with a white sun in the middle. This represents the USDS value of Go where the work is.

4. Go where the work is.

By working shoulder to shoulder with agencies, we’re able to inspire change. Transforming government is not up to the Digital Service. It’s up to all of us, together.

Drapes of color, from gold to dark blue to medium blue, frame each side of a white background. This represents USDS Value #5 Create Momentum.

5. Create momentum.

The American people need better digital services, today. We work with a bias for action, focusing on delivery above all else.

Squares and circles, colored dark blue, medium blue and golden yellow, overlap in a circle. This represents the USDS value “Design with users, not for them.”

6. Design with users, not for them.

To deliver products and services that provide value to users, it’s essential that we experience their experiences. The best products and services aren’t created behind closed doors.

The U.S.Digital Service is a group of mission-driven professionals who are passionate about delivering better government services to the public. We collaborate with public servants throughout the government to help untangle complex challenges and ultimately deliver a better government experience to people. We’re curious about understanding the needs of people and excited to use our short tours of service to make a positive impact. Apply here.

To learn more about our work, follow the U.S. Digital Service on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.



United States Digital Service
U.S. Digital Service

The U.S. Digital Service is a group of mission-driven professionals who are passionate about delivering better government services to the public.