USDS Alumni Network: Marcy Jacobs

When you join USDS, you become part of a community that extends to life after your tour of duty. In this blog series, we share the stories of USDS Alumni. Find out what they worked on, where they are now, and why you should join us!

United States Digital Service
U.S. Digital Service
4 min readJul 27, 2020


Marcy Jacobs (she/ her), McKinsey & Co. Previously Executive Director, Digital Service @ Veterans Affairs; USDS Director of Design; Team Lead at both DoJ and IRS. From Potomac, MD.

What’s your background?

I studied art and psychology in college and started a PhD program in Psychology. After finishing my masters, I decided to move into web design. I learned about information architecture, usability, user experience and grew a practice focused on delivering value through design and user research to Federal clients.

What inspired you to join USDS?

I learned about USDS through a 2-hour coffee with Dana Chisnell, one of the first designers at USDS. I was fascinated by the projects USDS was tackling and was convinced to apply. I had been doing work for several FBI clients and was excited about being able to support the firearms background check initiatives with USDS. I worked on several other projects instead and eventually worked at DOJ on an effort to reduce recidivism and improve reentry outcomes for federal prisoners.

Joining was a very hard decision for me. I had been with SRA for 14 years and this was a huge change — but I am so glad I took the chance and the amazing opportunity. The work I did at USDS pushed me in new ways and my career has grown tremendously. I have also had the privilege to work with the most talented and passionate designers, product managers and engineers as well as dedicated career civil servants.

Marcy with the DSVA team

What has been your biggest challenge during your tour-of-duty?

When you know you are only there for a short term, it can make you impatient to get things done quickly, not the typical pace of government.

How does your work or the work of USDS make an impact?

My team at the VA was driving a large digital transformation for the agency. There were many individual digital efforts but none were coordinated with all the others. We focused on improving tools, interactions and content for veterans to understand and take advantage of the benefits they had earned. Our work has made it easier for millions of veterans to engage with the VA. We also worked to show other teams at VA how to put the veteran at the center of development decisions through research and Human Centered Design.

Did you feel effective during your tour of service?

I was at USDS for 3.5 years in a variety of roles and felt all of my roles had an impact. Many of the roles were complicated, ill-defined and sometimes frustrating, but I was able to get a lot done and learn about myself and grow as a leader.

Any advice?

Take advantage of all that USDS provides — the opportunities to help others at a huge scale, the relationships with incredibly talented and mission driven people, and learning so much about how our government really works and where it can be better.

Would you come back?

I would definitely come back to government — there is so much to do to make government work better for the people it serves.

USDSers, alumni, and family at our 2019 summer picnic.

What’s your favorite USDS memory?

My team at VA won the Service to America medal for the work we did making it easier for veterans to get the services they need. That was amazing and very special night.

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United States Digital Service
U.S. Digital Service

The U.S. Digital Service is a group of mission-driven professionals who are passionate about delivering better government services to the public.