Why We Serve: Joseph Litvin

United States Digital Service
U.S. Digital Service
2 min readJul 25, 2022

In this series, you’ll hear stories from USDSers and learn why they decided to join, why they stay, and how their work is making an impact for all Americans.

Joseph Litvin (he/him/his), Digital Services Expert (Technical Recruiter), USDS. Previously worked in software development companies for decades; before that the water-boiled and hearth-baked bagel business.

A photo of Joseph Litvin, a man with pale skin wearing black glasses and smiling. To the right is a blue rectangle with the text “Joseph Litvin, Recruiter, U.S. Digital Service.”

What led you to become a recruiter at the U.S. Digital Service?

After 20 years of helping to staff software companies for profit, Tali Keren, a USDS recruiter, called me and explained the mission: “To deliver better government services to the American people through technology and design.” I wanted to contribute to helping the American People.

What is your day-to-day like as a Technical Recruiter with USDS?

My day consists of reaching out to all parts of the country seeking talented software engineers, designers, and product managers, and sharing the USDS story and mission.

What is your favorite part of your job?

My favorite part of the job is when a prospective candidate starts working at USDS, someone I found who had never even heard of USDS!

What’s your sales pitch for USDS?

USDS is the most challenging and most rewarding work that I have ever done.

A dark blue background with text that reads “‘USDS is the most challenging and most rewarding work that I have ever done.’ — Joseph Litvin, Recruiter, U.S. Digital Service”

What authors have changed you?

Too many to list, let’s have a conversation and talk about it! But here are a few:

  • Hamlin Garland
  • Ayaan Hirsi Ali
  • Amos Oz
  • Maya Angelou
  • Henry David Thoreau
  • Jerzy Gregorek
  • Ron Chernow
  • Laura Hillenbrand
  • Candice Millard
  • Doris Kearns Goodwin
  • Pat Conroy

We’re hiring mission-driven engineers, product managers, designers, bureaucracy hackers, procurement specialists, and operations pros who want to make an impact on the lives of their fellow Americans. Apply here and learn more about us at the links below.

USDS.gov | LinkedIn| Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | GitHub

The logo of the U.S. Digital Service, which is a blue shield with three white stars on top and three white strips on the bottom and golden wings on each side, appears next to blue all-capitalized letters that read “U.S. Digital Service.”



United States Digital Service
U.S. Digital Service

The U.S. Digital Service is a group of mission-driven professionals who are passionate about delivering better government services to the public.