Why We Serve: Samara Strauss

In this series you’ll hear stories from USDSers and learn why they decided to join, why they stay, and how their work is making an impact for all Americans.

United States Digital Service
U.S. Digital Service
4 min readMar 25, 2021


Samara Strauss (she/her), Product Manager @ VA. Previously Viget Labs.

What’s your background?

I spent most of my tech career as a UX designer, and I initially made the switch over to product management to fill a hole in our team. I quickly realized product management was a much better fit for me both professionally and personally, and I decided to make the switch permanent.

Before my adventures in tech, I was a psychology major in college. My biggest passion is still understanding how and why humans think and behave the way we do, which has definitely come in handy on the job!

What inspired you to join USDS?

In 2016, Wired published a feature — ​ ​Inside the Obama Tech Surge as it Hacks the Pentagon and VA​ ​ — that hooked me immediately. Right after reading the article, I set up a coffee chat with a USDSer to get more information, and I knew government service was where I wanted to take my career.

How does your work or the work of USDS make an impact?

I’m part of the USDS team that works at the Department of Veterans Affairs. We are part of a larger organizational effort to provide Veterans with world-class customer service and guidance through their VA experience.

In particular, my team works on the VA.gov website, and I manage a small group that is responsible for consolidating and elevating Veterans’ personal and benefit information on the site. Our goal is to help Veterans more easily assess their benefit information and complete tasks related to their benefits.

What do you want to do after USDS?

After USDS, I’m hoping to stay in government to continue the great work our team has started. After that, who knows! I think I’m permanently hooked by civic tech, so I’ll likely stay in this space even after leaving public service.

What has been the biggest challenge during your service?

The biggest challenge during my service was onboarding and coming to terms with how complex government is both professionally and technically. It’s a thousand times harder than anything I experienced in the private sector. My best advice for anyone interested in USDS or civic tech would be to approach the transition with a lot of patience. Understanding the landscape and making effective change takes time, and it’s worth persevering to make a positive impact for the American people.

What’s one lesson government can learn from tech? And one lesson tech can learn from government?

One lesson I already see government learning from tech is that iterative product development is much more effective than attempting massive launches after years-long engagements. It’s been really exciting to see this mentality change at the VA.

One lesson tech can learn from government isn’t really a lesson, but more of an attitude shift. I’m hoping that the tech industry comes to see stints or careers in government service as desirable as private sector work. Yes, the work is challenging, slow, and complex, but the impact we have in government is hard to match in the private sector. Government services will only get better if we roll up our sleeves and do the work, so come join us! USDS needs you!

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United States Digital Service
U.S. Digital Service

The U.S. Digital Service is a group of mission-driven professionals who are passionate about delivering better government services to the public.