Why We Serve: Tim Best

In this series you’ll hear stories from USDSers and learn why they decided to join, why they stay, and how their work is making an impact for all Americans.

United States Digital Service
U.S. Digital Service
3 min readJun 10, 2021


Tim Best (He/Him), Engineer @ USDS HQ. Previously at Titanic Design. From Clifton Park, NY.

I had seen USDS’s recruitment post on Hacker News but never seriously considered applying until I picked up The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis. For me, the book highlighted how much important work is done by the government and did a great job explaining the importance of knowledgeable and dedicated civil servants. After finishing the book I applied to USDS to help do my part.

How does your work make an impact?

I work with the CDC on an initiative called PRIME (Pandemic Ready Interoperable Modernization Effort). My team is responsible for building simplereport.gov which increases the timeliness and quality of COVID-19 data reporting while also reducing the burden on testing facilitators. My favorite part of PRIME is that we are building a product that has an immediate positive impact on the COVID-19 pandemic while also building a reporting backbone that will be leveraged for years to come.

What will you miss most about USDS when you leave?

For me, the most important aspect of any job is not what you do but who you work with. Even the hardest days can be enjoyable when you work with people you enjoy being around. I have found this at USDS and am continually impressed with the creativity and compassion of my co-workers.

The best of technology.
The best of government.
And we want you.

We’re looking for the most tenacious designers, software engineers, product managers, and more, who are committed to untangling, rewiring and redesigning critical government services. You’ll join a team of the most talented technologists from across the private sector and government.
If you have questions regarding employment with the U.S. Digital Service, please contact us at usds@omb.eop.gov or visit our Hiring FAQ.



United States Digital Service
U.S. Digital Service

The U.S. Digital Service is a group of mission-driven professionals who are passionate about delivering better government services to the public.