Street Photography: Week 12

The Ugly Stuff
Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2020

Each week that passes I feel a little bit stronger and I leave my apartment with a little more confidence. What I’m learning is, that doesn’t always equal better pictures or even more opportunities for a good picture. It just means I’m beginning to understand that knowing when not to take a picture is just as important. I don’t know what the 3 basic lessons of street photography are and I’m sure there are plenty of YouTube videos that will try to rank them, but for me learning to be disciplined in my photo selection would be the first lesson. Most of my pictures would be considered clutter, maybe I took them hoping for the best or out of sheer boredom but all they do is take up space. Eliminating those shots from my routine has helped me uncover bits and pieces of the style I’m trying to achieve. I should clarify that I don’t mind clutter if it’s a scene I find interesting, it’s when I waste energy on a situation I know wont work but take the shot anyway.

Knowing what kind of picture I want to take and the feeling I’m trying to create will be the key that unlocks the rest of my potential. I should also point out that the process of uncovering and molding that style has been the most rewarding part of this journey. Right now the pictures I’m producing feel more like pieces to a larger puzzle rather than a finished product. The one side effect to working through those thoughts is I tend to be ultra critical of my work. To the point that I’m now struggling to like any of the pictures I’m making. Whether that’s helping or hurting me isn’t clear at the moment. I find myself going back and forth between loving and hating my instincts. I think all that matters right now is to keep my work ethic consistent.

Another light week in terms of number of final images. That could be a theme for the foreseeable future as my filter tightens to keep me wanting more. Regardless, all three of these pictures have elements in them that represent where I want to be.

Chicago street photography by Kiki
Chicago street photography by Kiki
Chicago street photography by Kiki



The Ugly Stuff
Editor for

I’m a recovering corporate troll who moved to Chicago to become a photojournalist and street photographer. Follow my story on The Ugly Stuff