Street Photography: Week 6

The Ugly Stuff
Published in
Oct 27, 2020

Where I spend my time downtown is something I’m constantly thinking about. I wish I could wake up each morning and know where I’ll find something that will scratch the itch, but I can’t. Maybe with more experience my intuition will grow, but for now I’m left each morning to start my day with a single question-left or right?

Sometimes I ask myself that question 20 times a day. On occasion the answer is right in front of me, literally, but most of the time it’s an educated guess. Part of me hates that feeling of not knowing where to go. I feel like i’m wandering. But the thing with street photography is it doesn’t care about effort. Instead it rewards patience and perception. Trying to will a good picture would be like trying to win the lottery by thinking about the numbers a little harder.

But the part of me that likes that feeling of aimlessness is a reminder of why I enjoy taking pictures. Which is the observation of life and all its beautiful idiosyncrecies. Give me a lonely hotel pool or an overgrown lawn. Give me random eye contact or a fleeting shadow. Because it’s most banal moments are the ones I crave like 2 am french fries. As I spent some time in Spokane this week I was reminded of these details. A few that passed the eye test.

Chicago street photography by Kiki
Chicago street photography by Kiki
Chicago street photography by Kiki
Chicago street photography by Kiki



The Ugly Stuff
Editor for

I’m a recovering corporate troll who moved to Chicago to become a photojournalist and street photographer. Follow my story on The Ugly Stuff