Share Your View With the World

Alice Korzh
The Ukrainian View
Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2022

Who we are?

The Ukrainian View is an independent blog that aims at sharing not news, but views of the Ukrainians. For many decades and even centuries, the Ukrainians have been silenced due to constant invasions, repressions, and oppressive regimes imposed by Russia under different rulers. Now, the world is finally ready to listen and hear what we have to say.

The project is made and supported by Ukrainian volunteers: writers, journalists, and experts in different fields from war affairs to culture and history.

Why share your story?

For many years the world has seen Ukraine and Ukrainians through the prism of stereotypes and clichés. Most often, this image had a negative character and showed Ukrainians either as mafia or as poor emigrants. All this allows Russian propaganda to turn the world against Ukrainians, and launch their own narratives that we have no culture, language, or position. That we are victims, weak and weak-willed.
But we aren’t. The whole world has already seen this. Now is the time to hear Ukrainians — their stories, thoughts, and views. That is why it is so important to speak. Now the world is ready to listen.
Words and Truth are also weapons. And perhaps the most effective.

What topics do we cover?

  1. Personal stories of the Ukrainians.
  2. A letter from Mariupol / Chernihiv / Kyiv / Crimea etc. — stories about different cities and places from the perspective of the witnesses and people living there
  3. History & Culture: cultural resistance and modern Ukrainian culture to follow.

4. Expert view: columns by experts on the topic of war, propaganda, war crimes, women's rights, human rights, etc.

How to submit your story?

  1. If you have a story idea but need our help with writing, editing, and translation, or you are new on Medium — please, write to us at theuaview[@], we will do our best to help you to spread your view all over the world.

2. If you have written a story — you could submit a draft through this form.

3. If your story is already published, you still could add it to the publication. Please, send your published story to theuaview[@]

After we review your story and add you as a writer to The Ukrainian View publication, you will be able to add your story by following these steps:

  1. Open your article
  2. Click on the three dots at the top right

3. Click ‘Add to publication’

4. Select ‘The Ukrainian View’

5. Click ‘Add story’

Our team will add your story to the suitable section as soon as possible.



Alice Korzh
The Ukrainian View

Head of Brand and Comms at, Digital and Content Marketing Consultant by day; writer and history lover by night. Reach me via mail: