Three Answers to the Question ‘Why’

Valentyna Zakhabura
The Ukrainian View
Published in
17 min readMay 5, 2022

Russia claims that Ukraine does not exist and should not exist. I looked into history to find answers to why they actually say that. There were three answers — envy, theft, and deceit.

‘Madonna of Kyiv’. A woman with a baby in the Kyiv metro from a painting by Ukrainian illustrator Marina Solomennikova.

I’m a Ukrainian children’s writer, I write stories for family reading and work in a small library for children in the heart of Kyiv. The peculiarities of my work are to offer children interesting books (because I love to read), and to tell them about different authors, history, and cultures of different peoples. On February 23, fourth-graders (they are 9 years old) came to us and we organized a “Native Language” holiday because February 21 is the International Mother Language Day. We talked about the fact that we have more than 7,000 languages ​​in the world, some languages ​​live and develop, and some are dying. They die when people stop speaking them because someone else is conquering the country and demanding that people speak only the language of the occupier. That is how many languages ​​of small nations died. When a language disappears, culture disappears. History is forgotten. Then, the occupier says that such a language and nation have never existed.

— Why then does Russia keep saying that we don’t exist and our language is not real? We exist! Do they want to attack us? — the children asked.

On February 24, Russian bombs fell on Ukrainian cities. Because Russia came to denazify us and deprive us of language, culture, and history.


Let’s imagine such an absurd situation when France says: “We are brothers with Britain, even more — we are one nation, we once ruled Great Britain and everything was fine. It was British nationalists that have blown people’s minds and the ‘hunta’ headed the government! Ordinary Britons dream of joining with France, and in general, English is a distorted French language.” What will Britain and the world say? If France says that and starts an invasion, HOW will Britain and the world respond? This absurdity of Russia in relation to Ukraine is happening right now.

So why is the Russian Federation trying to destroy Ukraine? For almost all of the 20th century the USSR tried and before that for 300 years — the Russian Empire tried. Even earlier than that the Moscow Empire attempted to do it, and before that — the Horde?

Why overall this time has the Russian Federation-USSR-Rus’-Muscovy-Horde said that Ukraine, language, and nation as such do not exist? So who are they fighting against us still? Well, there are three answers to this, which in the Russian language coincide with the infamous marks on the armored vehicles of the Russian occupiers.

Why? The first answer is “Z” Zaveest, or in Ukrainian ‘Zazdrist’ — Envy

What causes such wild and blind envy of Ukraine’s northern neighbor?

And the fact that since the 8th century there is the state of Russia, Kyiv its capital, or as they say in the Byzantine chronicles — metropolis (μητροπολίτης — remember this word, I will often ask you to remember a word or expression, because then I will show how Russia will change its meaning).

Varangian route — source.

The state was ruled by local clans mixed with Vikings, who were called “Varyagy”. They developed cities and traded with Byzantium, thanks to the excellent river connection. The country lived and got rich through this trade. How does all this apply to Russia? — By no means! The state of Rus has nothing to do with Moscow and Russia because no Moscow or Russia even existed theoretically. The first mention of Kyiv dates back to 482 AD. In the twelfth century, its population was one of the largest in Europe — more than 50,000 people. Metropolis of those days. And in the 13th century Rus’ had more than 300 cities!

The younger sons of the Kyivan princes often got worse cities and fought with their older brothers for the Kyivan principality (throne), because whoever ruled Kyiv ruled Rus. Thus, one of the youngest sons of the Brave Svyatoslav — Volodymyr gained power over the city. By the way, it is his family coat of arms, the Trident that is the state emblem of Ukraine.

Coins with the emblem of Volodymyr the Great

Freedom-loving Kyivans accepted him as their prince and called him the Krasne Sonechko (from the word ‘krasa’ — beauty). In legends, he and his knights “heroes” are no less famous than King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. He entered world history as the Baptist Volodymyr because he was baptized himself and forced all of Rus’ to accept Christianity. This strengthened the European vector of politics and allowed dynastic marriages with European kingdoms.

The same policy was continued by his son Yaroslav Kryvyi, whom historians named “The Wise” for his high education, and jokingly called him the “father-in-law of Europe” because:

  • His eldest daughter Elizabeth became queen of Norway and then of Denmark.
  • The second daughter, Anastasia, married the King of Hungary.
  • The third daughter, Anna of Kyiv, became queen of France.
  • The fourth Agatha is the Queen of Britain (historians do not agree on whether she was the daughter of Yaroslav himself, but Eduard the Exile lived at the court of the ruler of Kyiv, and his wife Agatha was the sister of the Queen of Hungary)

The heyday of Kyivan Rus lasted until the “Z” Zazdrist’ began.

And this envy continues from the 12th century from the time of Yuriy Dolgorukov and his son Andriy Bogolyubsky. Yuriy was one of the youngest sons of Kyiv Prince Volodymyr Monomakh. Here are the borders of Rus in the days of Monomakh:

Rus during a regional breakdown — source.

And, as befits the youngest in all of European history, Yuriy was forced to rule in remote regions, on the eastern border of Rus’. His father gave him a blessing and start-up capital in the form of an army. He said something like what his parents told him: “Go, son, conquer the local people and build!” And the son went to Zalissya, namely to the Rostov-Suzdal lands. Of course, the young man was offended that the rich cities of Rus would go to his older brothers, and he would have to rule in the woods. Yuriy or Giurgiu is considered the founder of Moscow, however, it was then not a city or even a village, but a kind of forest farm. He led the captured peoples of the town of Suzdal. There he married the daughter of the Polovtsian khan Aepa of the Horde Kai (this is important because while Yuriy was fighting, his children were raised in the Horde tradition, with absolute hatred and intolerance of the “golden” Kyiv, because it was there that unseen wealth was contained, particularly — the golden dome of St. Michael’s Cathedral).

Dolgorukiy (Long-armed) is a nickname that comes from the expression long arms (‘dolgy ryki’), which means literally — the invader. After the death of his father, this youngest son tried to capture Kyiv three times in battles. Twice the Kyivans expelled Giurgiu, but the third time he managed to conquer the city. Only he did not take into account one thing, if the peoples of the Horde with whom he lived in Suzdal, had absolute obedience to the khans (remember this), the peoples of Rus’ from Kyiv, Chernihiv, Pereyaslav, and other cities had the right to Viche — General Assembly communities. Kyivans could go to the Maidan and expel the prince, whom they did not like. This was a thousand years ago! The Kyivans were against the power of Dolgorukiy, he ruled them by force because he brought with him a large army and suppressed the uprising. The townspeople poisoned the cruel prince and expelled his boyar.

Dolgorukiy’s son, Andriy, received his nickname Bogolyubsky (the one who loves God) for.. stealing. When Yuriy captured Kyiv, he gave his sons the nearest cities. Andriy got Vyshhorod. There in the church of Boris and Gleb was kept a unique icon, one of the holiest in Kyivan Rus’ — the Mother of God of Vyshgorod. According to legend, it was written by the evangelist Luke, who was the only icon painter who saw Mary in her lifetime.

After his father’s death, Andriy expelled his brothers and went to Kyiv with all his might.

On March 12, 1169, Kyiv was captured and destroyed. The inhabitants of the city were killed, looted, and tortured in such a way that no war before or since was so brutal and terrible. The city was set on fire and not allowed to be extinguished, all gold and jewelry were stolen from churches, and the famous icon was also stolen by Dolgorukiy’s son and transported to the city of Volodymyr, which belonged to him. Since then, she was called the Virgin of Vladimir. And the horde who drowned Kyiv in blood — Andriy Bogolyubsky. The man who killed and robbed the hometown of his ancestors was named Bogolyubsky. All the other princes who conquered Kyiv before or after it multiplied its beauty and glory, and only the son of the founder of Moscow destroyed and plundered Kyiv. Because no one has the right to live better than the horde-muscovites-russians.

This episode is called the first Russian-Ukrainian war. Although the words “Russia” and “Ukraine” had not yet been coined at that time. The first mention of Ukraine appears in chronicles from 1187. And the first mention of Russia in this writing is from 1387, but even this mention applies to the Kyiv principality (and remember this).

Because of the “Z” — ‘zazdrist’, the descendants of Dolgorukiy and Bogolyubsky and today also destroyed Ukrainians, our beautiful cities, destroyed even equipment in hospitals, and all that could not be stolen in the homes of civilians — was broken and destroyed.

Why? The second answer “O” Obman — Deception

The principalities that were part of Rus’-Ukraine developed in a single European context. And the Galician prince Daniel 1253 received a crown from Pope Innocent IV and became tsar of Rus’.

Until 1721, the name Russia did not exist to denote the Moscow state (remember this date).

After King Daniel, the name Rusiae, Russia, Rossia — meant part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, later — part of the Commonwealth. And this Russia-Rus’-Ukraine was located on the same lands that we talked about above

What was in the wildland that continued to conquer the descendants of Bogolyubsky? There in the north, far outside of Rus’, meanwhile grew up envious Baby Zahes — Muscovy. Among the Moscow ulus of the Golden Horde, a great deception was brewing. All this time the Moscow ulus were under the rule of the Horde and paid tribute to the Crimean khans. For paying tribute on time, the Khan allowed Muscovy to be called a principality. But envy of the Rus’ tsars forced the Muscovites to resort to deception in their proclaimed themselves (!) a kingdom. Even the Great. In the size of the modern Moscow region. These people have always had a mania for greatness.

Because this is what the mad sadist Prince Ivan IV Groznyi wanted, whose reign was a bloody terror (I’m not exaggerating, ask Google about his methods and you’ll see from whom Stalin and Putin studied). He proclaimed himself Tsar of All Rus’. What kind of Rus? He never even set foot on the borders of real Rus’. But that’s a hoax.

Although Muscovy had nothing to do with Rus’, with its developed judicial system and laws, with Magdeburg law and artisan guilds. How could he be the Tsar of civilized Rus’, when in Moscow there was not even a concept of “private property”? Every person in Muscovy belonged to the tsar — this is an absolute Eastern despotism. Officials, merchants, military, and diplomats — all literally belonged to the tsar. Their families and people were serfs, they all belonged to one person. Who were the serfs in Muscovy and then in the Russian Empire? — They were slaves, the majority of the population of Muscovy, and then the Russian Empire — slaves, without rights and without education. (Try to understand this. Modern Russians are descendants of people who have been slaves for almost a thousand years).

Do you remember what Andriy Bogolyubsky did with Kyiv? — Ivan Groznyi did the same with the Kazan Khanate and the city of Kazan itself (killed residents, looted, burned, and destroyed scientific and educational centers, and libraries). They were of another faith — Muslims, but he did the same with the “Orthodox brothers” — the Christian city-republic of Novgorod did not want to join the Moscow Empire and it was completely and ruthlessly destroyed. This happened because Novgorod and Kazan lived better, and Muscovy does not forgive anyone.

The Khanate-Horde elite of Muscovy ostentatiously professed Christianity, although their women were required to wear a bridal veil (a kind of veil), Moscow women were forbidden to study, speak and eat in the presence of men and even leave home on their own. In Muscovy, even primitive education was available only to the wealthiest people.

At this same time, schools were developing in the territories of Rus’-Ukraine, where both girls and orphans could get an education.

Military democracy prevailed in Rus’-Ukraine, which is called the Hetmanate (because the Supreme Commander-in-Chief was elected by military Cossacks at a joint council — again a Maidan tradition) as part of the Polish Kingdom of the Commonwealth country Ukrania, which bordered Muscovy.

Map composed by Guillaume Vasseur de Beauplan, 1648 — source.

All European maps of the 16th-17th centuries showed this clearly.

Culture and education were developing in Rus’-Ukraine. Graduates of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy taught at German and French universities. Cities were being built, trade was being conducted. Despite Tatar and Turkish raids, the country lived in a pan-European context. European newspapers wrote about the Cossacks and their military exploits.

On January 18, 1654, Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky made a mistake. He signed a military agreement with Muscovy in Pereyaslav. That is, it was an agreement only on military support in the event of an attack by Poland or Turkey, an exclusively military alliance. Sometime later, Otto Bismarck would say, “Never believe in Russians, because Russians don’t even believe in themselves.”

Muscovites have since launched a new Deception (“O” — Obman) about the voluntary accession of Ukraine to Muscovy. That is, they write in all their historical sources that the Pereyaslav agreements are the transition of all of Ukraine under the rule of the Moscow tsar! Oh no, and here they lie, under the rule of the Russian tsar. At least, where did this new Russia come from instead of Muscovy?

Because the next Deception (“O” — Obman) is ripe! In 1682, the young Peter was proclaimed Tsar of Muscovy, but his half-older sister Sophia ruled the country as regent. In 1687, Ivan Mazepa, a prominent politician and polyglot who was admired by European writers, was elected Hetman of the Zaporozhian Army in Ukraine. When the young Tsar Peter 1682 decided to take the throne from his sister… Hetman of Ukraine Ivan Mazepa decided that the boy should be supported. Mazepa believed that with the right selection of educators if the young Tsar of Muscovy was shown the standard of living of Europeans, scientific achievements, and civil liberties, he would become an educator instead of a despot. It was a huge mistake.

Tsar Peter really studied foreign languages, studied European military science and shipbuilding. He began the construction of a new capital of St. Petersburg (in his honor), the only city in the whole kingdom, which is similar to the then European cities. Tsar Peter of Moscow grew up a ruthless sadist inspired by torture (such rulers survive and become favorites, this is very typical of Muscovites) and decided to “cut a window to Europe.

That is, instead of developing culture and law, he ordered the creation of a “cargo cult” — to dress the bear in European clothes. Literally, the state system remained as despotism, based on slavery and torture, but all the boyars were forced to shave their beards (it’s no joke) and dress in European fashion. All those close to the king had to drink coffee in the morning (not at will, but by order, because it was customary in Europe). He ordered balls to be held so that women could wear them in neckline dresses, and forbade officials to rape women during such balls. It’s hard to believe, but these orders are publicly available. The king started wars and demanded that the Cossacks take part in them. He built ships and demanded money from the Hetman to create a fleet.

At some point, Ivan Mazepa realized that this cultural abyss could not be overcome. And he decided that it was enough to tolerate from him a mad tsar, whom he, unfortunately, brought to power as a young man. Mazepa signed an agreement with King Charles XII of Sweden on military support for Ukraine (this is the name of the state mentioned in letters and agreements) for independence from Russia. For this, Peter’s Moscow troops under the leadership of his favorite Menshikov 1708 destroyed the then capital of the hetmanate, the city of Baturyn. What the ruscists did with the inhabitants is Bucha multiplied by infinity. 15,000 people were tortured, raped, and killed terribly and brutally. Europe expressed “deep concern”:

The newspapers of that time described the events in Baturyn as a “terrible massacre”, “All Ukraine in blood”, and “Women and children at the edge of the sword”. These are the names of the leading newspapers in France — “Gazette de France”, “Paris Gazette”, “Lettres Historique”, “Mercure Historique”, and “Clef du Cabinet”. They wrote that “the terrible tsar is bloodthirsty in Ukraine… All the inhabitants of Baturyn, regardless of age and sex, were slaughtered, as ordered by the inhuman customs of the Muscovites”;

“All of Ukraine is bathed in blood. Menshikov shows the horrors of Moscow’s barbarism”.

Mazepa himself was considered anathema by the Russian Church by order of Tsar Peter, all portraits of the Hetman were destroyed. The Ascension Convent in Kyiv, run by Ivan Mazepa’s mother, was destroyed and a cannon yard was built on its remains. Peter, I announced the armament, he ordered to remove the bells from the churches and remelt them into guns. Hundreds of churches, by the way, were built by Mazepa, who was cursed and excommunicated in the churches he built for the next three hundred years.

Remember I wrote above that Russia did not exist until 1721?

After the Moscow-Swedish war in Ukraine, Tsar Peter was finally seized by a mania for greatness. He decided to rewrite history. So, in 1721, Tsar Peter of Moscow proclaimed himself emperor (just as Tsar Ivan VI Groznyi once proclaimed himself tsar). Hordes, as it really was, and from Kyivan Rus (the only one who came from here — is Yuri Zagarbnyk, ie Dolgorukiy, do you remember?).

Therefore, Tsar-Emperor Peter, I ordered give bribes to the geographical societies of Europe in order that instead of the Moscow Kingdom on the maps there was Rossia. Similarly, bribes of famous furs were given to ambassadors of European states to write in their reports not the name of the Moscow Empire, but the Russian Empire. Doesn’t that remind you of something?

Why? Answer “V” Vorovstvo, or in Ukrainian ‘Kradizka’ — “Theft”

Russia-Muscovy-Horde throughout its existence stole. Shrines of Rus’-Ukraine. The name of Rus’-Ukraine.

Starting with Peter I and later — with the German girl Fike, who became Empress Catherine II — stole the history of Russia-Ukraine. Because the intelligent German did not want to look like the mistress of Eastern despotism, so for her writer, Karamzin (who has nothing to do with historical science) wrote a beautiful “History of the Russian State”, which originates not only from Kyivan Rus, but even more — from Eastern Rome Byzantine Empire. The favorite expression of Russian ideologues is “Moscow is the Third Rome, and the fourth is not.”

At the same time, a pseudo-historical concept of “three fraternal peoples — Ukrainians, Belarusians, and Russians” was invented. Guess who the Russians in this trio appointed “older brother”? And this pseudoscience has spread all over the world!

Nations and states, national and political entities cannot be fraternal or sisterly, just as they cannot be married because they are not human! And this approach is a pseudo-scientific delusion, invented to keep Ukraine and Belarus as perpetual hostages and in the deadly “brotherly” embrace of Russia.

Poland and Germany are not sisters, France and Britain cannot be “relatives”, and Sweden and Norway are neighbors, like everyone else. Only people from certain countries can be relatives.

Remember, I asked you to memorize the word “μητροπολίτης” by illiterate Russian historians when transcribing ancient chronicles, translating it literally, not as “capital” but as “Mother of Cities”. And their popular expression came out to justify the aggression “Kyiv — the mother of Russian cities”, instead of “Kyiv is the capital of Rus.” Although Kyiv is male, it cannot be a mother, let alone a fictional Russia.

On the map of the modern Russian Federation, you will not find a people or an autonomy called Russians, or Russian autonomy because there never was. There is a state with this name and citizens, but not a people.

The modern Russian Federation, unfortunately, lives in a foreign past. Therefore, it is trying by all means to destroy those to whom this past really belongs.

So Russian politicians constantly say that the Ukrainian language does not exist, it is a distorted Russian with a touch of Polish. Then why did they (in Muscovy, in the empire, and in the USSR) ban the Ukrainian language 134 times over 400 years? If it does not exist, what do you forbid? Because the Ukrainian language has always existed.

Prohibition of language, rewriting of history, the proclamation of heroes of Ukraine who fought for the restoration of the Ukrainian state (I. Mazepa, S. Petliura, S. Bandera) “traitors of Russia”. Of the three people listed, only one was related to Russia — Ivan Mazepa, whom we talked about above. All these are the methods of the Russian Federation to misinformation of the world community and propaganda for the population of the state. When these methods do not work, the Horde-Muscovy-Russian Empire-USSR-Russia destroys those peoples physically.

In 1918, the troops of the Bolsheviks (Russian Communists) were defeated near Kruty by Kyiv defenders, most of whom were students. So when this Russian army broke into the city, they fired cannons at Kyiv for 5 days, although the city capitulated. It was a punishment. And then, they raped, killed and tortured everyone who wore good clothes, who spoke Ukrainian — the city was littered with hundreds of corpses of civilians.

The artificial Holodomor of 1932–1933, which claimed the lives of about 4 million Ukrainians, was a deliberate genocide of the Ukrainian people organized by the Soviet leadership led by Joseph Stalin, the idol of the incumbent Russian (KGB foreign intelligence officer, then head of the FSB) Vladimir Putin.

Russia destroyed Ukrainian culture and science. And if a Ukrainian made a breakthrough invention, he was immediately declared a “Russian.” Even space! The developer of the first spacecraft of the USSR — Ukrainian Sergei Korolyov (his family name is Koroliv, a native of the Ukrainian city of Zhytomyr). In 1938 (during the “Red Terror”), the genius engineer was charged with absurd charges and imprisoned for 10 years.

Of these, he spent 6 years in the prison design bureau together with the equally convicted outstanding aircraft designer A. Tupolev, in whose honor the Tu-2, Tu-104, and others are named. In other words, the scientists were accused of fictitious crimes in order to keep them under full control and were forced to continue working in prison.

When the space competition between the USSR and the USA began, Korolyov was mentioned and ordered to launch a man into space earlier than the Americans at any cost. His jaw, which was broken during interrogation, grew incorrectly, by the end of his life he had major health problems, but the USSR and Russia are proud of the space achievements of the “Russian” S. Korolyov.

All these crimes have been going on for centuries to make Ukrainians forget their language and history.

This “Z” “O” “V” — ‘Zaveest’ ‘Obman’ ‘Vorovstvo’ — is the true state ideology of a country without its own name and history, a country that seeks greatness in another’s past instead of evolving into the future.

Today, Ukraine is regaining its independence, its right to exist from its eternally hungry envious neighbor. The Russian Federation has announced the denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine. Because patriotism is the love of Russian citizens and citizens of all countries that were once conquered by the USSR, the empire or Muscovy — to Russia. The love of Ukrainians for Ukraine, Finns for Finland, Czechs for the Czech Republic, Poles for Poland — this, according to Russian politicians and ideologues — equals NAZISM. Only Russian citizens are patriots of their state.



Valentyna Zakhabura
The Ukrainian View

Бібліотекарка та письменниця з м.Київ, Україна