Google’s ‘AI for Social Good’ is now making an Impact in Animal Conservation!

Learn how Google is applying ML to protect a struggling, 73 member, killer whale species in the Salish Sea.

Arun C Thomas
The Ultimate Engineer


“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” –Anatole France

Google’s AI for Social Good is an initiative, in which AI is used to address some of the world’s biggest challenges. The program primarily focuses on solving humanitarian and environmental challenges, using Googles AI expertise. Even though the team recognises that AI is not a silver bullet, they believes the AI can definitely help, when there is a collaborative and concentrated from all sectors of society. Predicting risk of cardiac events using retinal imagery and Quickly and accurately forecasting floods are some of the early achievements of the team.

In its recent efforts, the team is collaborating with Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) to apply machine learning to protect a rare species of killer whales, also called ocras. As per the information published by the Center for Whale Research, only 73 members of this whale species are left and they are struggling to survive. Disturbance caused by human activities, passing vessels, contaminants and scarcity of prey are the major contributors of…

