3 lessons I’ve learned as a Rookie Entrepreneur

Eric Leung
The Ultimate Guide for Startups
2 min readJan 7, 2016


9 months ago, April 1, 2015, I quitted my job to pursuit my entrepreneurship life, it was always my dream to have my own startup, creating my own products and possibly changing someone’s life. All my ideas were based on mobile/ web application, where people can easily consume my products via their mobile phone. Although, my ideas are brilliant (I think), but none of the ideas get actualized. Why? Because I wasn’t ready for it.

Here are the 3 lessons I have learned from the last 9 months as a rookie entrepreneur.

  1. Keep your passion, don’t give up

Part of the reasons most ideas didn’t get actualized is because most people lost their passions in leading and driving their dream after a very short period of time. Keep up your passion is the only way out, no one can help drive your products if you are giving it up so easily.

2. Find a technical co-founder, who believes in your vision

If your idea is to build a digital product and you can’t code it, you must need to find a technical co-founder who can code no matter what, outsourcing your idea to a 3rd party development house is still a feasible option only if you know how to manage them well. In most cases, it is tough.

3. Work hard, don’t let laziness finds you

In order to live in the startup world, you will need to commit yourself to your business 24/7. In order to survive for another day, you will need to put in your 200% of efforts to drive your business to the next level. Don’t let your laziness finds you. Hard work will pay off eventually!

Those are the lessons I have learned in the last 9 months. If you are reading this and was just starting a startup, what are some of the most important lessons you have learned so far?

