Develop Results-Based Marketing Strategies & Win More Business

Rami Sbeiti
3 min readMar 24, 2018


I’ve seen many startups and entrepreneurs attempt to bootstrap their business, the marketing, production and sales. They’ve found loopholes to spending less money for marketing initiatives, and somehow felt they could muster the willpower and talent to get it all done. Equally important, I’ve come across many established businesses who still hesitate to invest in marketing, believing that marketing is an afterthought with little concrete promise. Maybe it’s because most businesses still operate in a sales team hunter mentality.

Or, maybe it’s something else…

In my early days of consulting, I couldn’t overcome the objection of people who would suggest that they would only invest in marketing if I guaranteed financial results. Over time, I began to piece together a greater understanding of what marketing is all about. Awareness.

Today, I work closely with entrepreneurs, startups and businesses to help them visualize a link between their purpose and the people that matter most to them in the marketplace. This becomes the marketing goal. I think oftentimes, marketing is misunderstood, and we as marketers, be it agencies or individuals, are likely to blame for not being stewards of the science (and art) of marketing.

While we have great intentions with our clients, informing them which such as why they need to be on Instagram and Facebook, many marketing agencies we often fall short in communicating the power of establishing a firm foundation. That is to say, the WHY, WHAT & HOW of the business:

  • WHY are you in business, and why would a customer care?
  • What are the distinguishing characteristics of your brand?
  • How are those value propositions important and how will they be communicated?

That’s just a few questions our team approaches every client’s GTM strategy.

If I knew nothing about marketing and was asked to spend $1,000 a month on Google & FB ads, I’d likely say yes (the first time) with little idea as to how this investment would be measured against results. It goes back to the old adage: You don’t know what you don’t know.

Every business deserves a completely unique approach to marketing, because there simply isn’t a one size fits all strategy, and sadly, many marketers today try to “assembly line” the process, resulting in poor results and frustrated clients.

Here’s my number one mission…


I love what I do. I’m very passionate about marketing, probably to a fault. During my discovery sessions with prospects and clients, I tend to give away the farm. I do that because I believe that I’m connecting to people and I want them to get off that call or meeting feeling a sense of trust and appreciation.

While I explain my process for designing a strategy, I also unleash the truth. Don’t expect to generate a lead from every click and don’t expect to make money from every lead, in the short run. Rather, be certain we will test the value propositions against different audience and interest segments and gain tremendous insights into their interests, which will gradually allow our marketing efforts to unravel opportunities. This leads me to…


While the relationship between agency and client must be collaborative to ensure success and growth, each must own a level of accountability for the results. While marketers are charting the course, the client’s ability to furnish accurate information and establish attainable goals is equally paramount.

I found that appointing “Task Captains” on your team and on your client’s side empowers people to own a part and help drive objectives to completion (That’s me wearing my project manager hat!) For instance, social media content writing and images/ video production can take up tremendous people resources. Ensuring that reasonable expectations are set and can be delivered, strengthens the morale of the team and keeps momentum going.


I personally feel marketing is a process of testing how content triggers behavior. Only then can we begin to target effectively and help our clients nurture potential leads.

I’m the founder of Marvel Media Group. We help businesses find their distinct voice in what most would consider a noisy world. Drop me and my team a line and schedule a complimentary 45-min. discovery session.



Rami Sbeiti

Marketing consultant helping #entrepreneurs big businesses discover their mastery in branding and advertising. Crypto is good. Dad to a baby girl.