“ The Flow of Openings ”

Tyger A.C
The UltraShort Project
4 min readMar 28, 2022


TLMAP — 088011 (Letter the first)

I am writing these words sitting in the darkness of my cave, a reality that for me as you well know stands for much more than basking in the wisdom that we have acquired during these long years.
There exists a very intimate relationship between the conceptual and the real, between that which one envisions and that which one performs, a sensual relationship of forms of actuation that bear no resemblance to themselves. But as we discovered long ago, the very distance between being and becoming, between that which we can subtly imagine and that which we can grossly manifest, is a feature of existence and not a bug of actualization.
When we were young in contemplation of the state of affairs of the world we had this, so very human, tendency, to conflate and jumble that which we desired to happen with that which we were able to perform, and bring into the light of day. Frustration ensued! A very common and not surprising sense thought engendered by the misconception of the different functions of the modules of the mind in its embodied form. For we were not aware that unlike the prejudice of linear thinking expecting the immediacy to fit the higher perceptions of our minds, the flow of life stimulates a multiplicity of entrances and exit points, not unlike the rhizome indeed.
It is of this flow of openings that I wish to speak, a flow that requires a depth of penetration not unlike the proverbial fish swimming in the ocean waters, being in a very real sense unconscious, or more properly spelled, unaware, to the myriad possibilities of motion that it performs unwittingly.
Those motions of directions that had no apparent goal, or no perceptible guidelines, are forever performed as embodied existence, an issue that itself demands a rehabilitation of the sense of perception extended to its post ultimate state. There is wisdom there, in the multi directional flow of events, there is even a principle of scales and hierarchies and possibly there is still an opening for exaptation, which however must be looked upon as an inherent state of ambiguity or indeed uncertainty in the state of affairs of the world.
The flow of openings is as indeterminate as it is chaotic and creative, it is however simultaneously also the very substance upon which and from which we extract the meaning of the universe, a meaning upon which we perform this formidable act of significance extension and sense upgrade.
This is no small feat of the mind of the human, for though it is true that in hyper complex systems the relationality of causality is anything but simple to trace to its origination, it is also true that such causality can be both manufactured and fabricated along the storytelling guidelines we allow to come into play.
It is indeed a game for mature company, a wild ride that is almost impossible to tame, and in fact since when was the domestication of the impossible a goal to be attained? In fact it was not, not a goal that is, but a method, an artistic and aesthetic fashion of making the obtuse intelligent, a carrier of speed into the dull, a transport vehicle for the measure of beauty to penetrate the slow witted performance of matter, a bridge permitting the incarnation of the abstract into the material.

Of course we needed to explain how a non-uniform universe where rules and laws appear stable only on temporary highly localized and perceptible situations never the less was stable enough to permit us to understand anything at all.
We were able to understand because we changed, not that which we thought about, nor the manner of perception, we didn’t change the fashion of thought, we transformed the very fabric of thought, the stuff that thinks.

How were we to overcome the seemingly impossible task of metamorphosis of the stuff that thinks, having at our disposal only the stuff itself? We all know the answer to this question, for we all committed to the task of unleashing the forces of openness.
What we considered as open though was not really so, now was it? For soon thereafter we realized the depth of necessity of restricting the freedoms of inherency for the greater horizon of the unknown creative disciplined by direction.

The flow of openings was thus, simultaneously the epitome of freedom and the highest restriction we could engender without diminishing the explosive nature of its chaotic affect.
When we came to understand that the stuff of thought permeates all matter, we could finally grasp the portent of its magnitude, the consequences of the substance from which intelligence stems and emotions are invigorated. Moreover were we not applying the very real embodiment of sensation into the immediacy of our craft? Of course we did, that is how we re-established the foundations of the myth, the bona fide story that made all the difference, or made none at all, for also this we realized at that time.
I am reminding you of all these long established tightly packed and highly opaque authenticities for they bear relevance to my present expedition into the clarity of ultimate dependability.

I shall soon leave this little moon, barren as it is, for the greater emptiness of interstellar space, curiosity has taken hold of me again, for I shall presently co-exist and be utterly dependent, to wit I shall no longer be able to provide a measurement of my expanding superposition.

Obviously the hardest part will be to evade the irony of it all…

Part of the Ultrashort Project — A Sci-Fi contes philosophique project



Tyger A.C
The UltraShort Project

Futurist,Writer,Polytopia, Philosophy,Science,Science Fiction,