What Is Healing?

Spiritual awakening has something to do with it.

Uma Bode
The Umaverse


Image licensed to author.

I am not sure why I feel it necessary to take on the most difficult questions we can ask, but it seems to be my path in life. Healing. What is it? What does it mean to be sick? What does it mean to be healed?

Honestly, I do not easily find the words to answer these questions, now that I write them down in black and white like this. I ask you to consider how you would answer them if I was standing in front of you and asking them of you.

To be whole. This is a starting point. To be whole is to be healed.

And this immediately becomes difficult to address with words. As best as I have discovered in my journey of spiritual seeking, the very essence of awakening, of healing, of wholeness, is beyond words. So, right away, this means that teachers and their methods — workshops, classes, books, magazines, courses, etc — by definition must fall short of their goal.

What is the relationship between healing and spiritual awakening? Everything. All sickness is separation.

Separation from our true nature, which is boundless and endless love.

Our bodies but house our being. We have constructed a personality or an “ego” that we think is who we are but it is not. It is not.



Uma Bode
The Umaverse

Writes about personal growth, practical spirituality, entrepreneurship, living authentically, and other stuff. Founder of The Umaverse. https://theumaverse.com/