14 Ways to your best Ramadan Ever

Pink Pastel Studio
The Ummah Cafe
Published in
3 min readMar 30, 2020
Badshahi Mosque, Lahore, Pakistan. Photo by pinkpastelstudio.com

The month of Ramadan is coming near and every Muslim must be thinking of making the best out of this blessed month. Keeping this in mind, here’s a list of 14 essential things to do at this time, to get the most out of the Holy Month. Here we go:-

1. Ramadan is Overwhelming. As a Muslim, we wait for this blessed moth during the complete year, but are mostly unable to utilize the month well and end it with some regrets. Its important to remain calm, and make some goals.

2. Need of a well planned Ramadan. In order to gain maximum benefits from anything in life, its important to plan it first. And Ramadan is no exception. Its time to make an actionable plan, based on your goals.

3. Make your Ramadan Resolutions. Relate-able to the previous two points. Its important to make your Ramadan resolutions with realistic and achievable aims, before you begin the journey and make yourself accountable, in order to fully achieve them.

4. Make your Ramadan Mindset. By going through various Pre-Ramadan exercises (de-clutter your home, dedicate a place for ibadah, getting your groceries, making ibadah lists etc), develop your right Mindset, before you enter Ramadan.

5. Create a Dua list.Create a dua list for yourself, your family, your friends and of course the Ummah, making sure you don’t forget anyone in your duas.

6. Remember some Quranic Duas. Make a list of Quranic duas and Surahs or verses, which you want to remember this Ramdan.

7. Plan & Journal your 30-Days. Plan daily commitments, Suhoor & Iftaar timings, menu, track your daily activities like Salah, Tarawih, Sunnah, Adhkar and Water intake etc, as well as reflect upon each day to see your progress.

8. Make yourself Accountable: Make yourself accountable for all your actions, by frequent self reflections. These may include daily or after every 10 days (each Ashra).

9. Plan to finish Qur’an. Remain consistent and try to finish Qur’an during this month. Utilize some Quran trackers available online.

10. Take care of your health. By keeping care of yourself and your family, you can ensure to accrue maximum benefits from the Holy Month. Keep a healthy menu, keep hydrated (between iftar and suhoor) and remain active.

11. Improve your deen knowledge. Take the opportunity of this month to improve your knowledge of the deen. Read some books or articles, watch some authentic videos or read Quran Tafseer.

12. Plan, Log and Journal : Have a “Planner” to plan ahead, a “Journal” to let you reflect, a “Log” to record your progress, and to help you go smoothly on your Ramadan journey. There’s this beautiful, comprehensive and a well articulated Ramadan Planner (My Best Ramadan Planner). Its thoughtfully made, and covers all the things discussed above and many more. The best thing I found about this planner is that, its “Digital”, which means, it could be self printed at home, in the days of COVID-19, where there is lock-down at most places and people would not be unable to arrange such a thoughtful / useful thing (Plus we would be supporting our sister in deen).

My Best Ramadan Planner

13. Spend your best Eid : Plan your Eid ahead of time (dress, menu, decor), to remain organized & spend a well organized and fun-filled Eid, aligned with Sunnah.

14. The Journey Continues : The Ramadan provides us a platform to become a stronger Muslim, however, its equally important and challenging to carry on with your achievements for the complete year and life ahead.

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Pink Pastel Studio
The Ummah Cafe

Exploring Muslim Productivity & Contemporary Art | Instagram: @pinkpastelstudio