Four Tips on How to Handle Peak TV

Here are some tips for managing peak TV

Brandon Daniel
The Unbalanced
3 min readMay 3, 2017


Looking at my Neflix queue like

Peak TV is at its peak (sorry). Peak TV is the term used to describe the fact that there are so many good/great shows on TV that it is impossible to keep up.

Heck, I consider myself well abreast of the TV situation and I bet that there are good/great shows that I have not heard about. With cable, network, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, YouTube, and who knows what else, there is far too much content for any person to handle. Here are some tips for dealing with it:

1. Pick Your Battles

The number of shows you ‘need’ to watch is going to continuously, rapidly grow quicker and quicker. Since you cannot watch everything you have to pick the shows that appeal to you most.

If there’s a certain genre, actor, or creator that you like, make sure you watch those ones. Don’t feel the need to watch everything, especially if you are not interested in something. Remember, watching TV is supposed to be entertainment, not work (unless you’re a critic like me).

2. You’re Allowed to Stop

Yes, believe it or not, you do not have to keep watching a show that isn’t doing it for you anymore. Regardless of the reason, if you are not enjoying something, stop watching it!

Here’s a decent gauge for it; if you find yourself spending more time looking at your phone/on social media/doing whatever else instead of watching the show, it might be time to give the show the old axe.

There’s also the old “6 episode” rule, where you give a show 6 episodes before you decide to continue it or not. There are some notable exceptions to this rule; Parks and Rec, The 100, and Spartacus all come to mind. For the most part, having an episode cutoff is a good strategy for saving time and sanity.

I’ve cut off multiple shows in the recent years because they weren’t doing it for me. It feels really good when you do. You have no idea how much happiness I feel from never having to watch ‘Arrow’ or ‘The Walking Dead’ again.

3. Don’t Go Back

Do not listen to people who tell to go back and watch a show you stopped watching. You stopped watching for a reason! Remember that reason!

Going back to an old show you stopped watching is like going back to an ex partner. 90% of the time that’s a bad idea. It’s okay to let go. Move on to better shows, you deserve better.

4. Time Management

Just like everything else in life, keeping up with TV requires some solid time management skills. However and whenever you decide to watch, make sure that your schedule is planned out accordingly.

Don’t spend all day/everyday watching TV. Go do other things that do not involve a screen. Give yourself a break. Your eyes and your brain need it. You’ll enjoy that 8th season of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ much more when you are rested and refreshed.

If you have any other tips feel free to post them in the comment section below. If you are looking for TV recommendations tweet me @brandondnh and check out my weekly TV roundup. #TVWRUP



Brandon Daniel
The Unbalanced

Staff Writer for The Unbalanced. Find me on Twitter @BrandonDNH