‘Game Of Thrones’ ‘The Queen’s Justice’ Review

Cersei gets her revenge, Jon Snow and Daenerys meet, and battles galore

Brandon Daniel
The Unbalanced
4 min readJul 31, 2017




‘The Queen’s Justice’ was jam-packed with events that will cause monumental impact on the show going forward. Let’s start with the end first. Jamie, using a trick a used from dearly departed Robb Stark, diverted the grunt of his army to Highgarden and attack the Tyrells. It’s a brilliant, tactical move that shows both Jamie and Cersei’s wit.

Yes, Grey Worm and the Unsullied took Casterly Rock. But there’s not much they can do with that. And with Euron and his army coming to fight them, well, I hope this is not the end for them. Tyrion is getting outplayed left and right by his siblings. He might be brilliant, but he is losing this fight.

By taking Highgarden, not only will Cersei be able to repay the Iron Bank, but, she will also now have a significant amount of gold to use to build and fortify her armies. I absolutely love that this is the moment, as Jamie decides to give Lady Olenna a peaceful death by poison, that she reveals her hand in poisoning Joffrey. It is satisfying to see Jamie’s rage and anger rise in that moment, right after an act of mercy. Only time will tell if Olenna’s prediction about Cersei being Jamie’s downfall will come true.

Equally as important, Dany has just lost another major ally with the loss of the Tyrells. In fact, Dany no longer has any allies in Westeros. Which makes her decision to be helpful to Jon all the more important.

Yes, finally, finally, the two heroic characters meet. Jon and Dany’s first meeting did not disappoint. The meeting did a great job of showing the growth of these characters, as well as comparing and contrasting everything that they have been through for the past 6 seasons.

I really did think that Jon was going to be stuck at Dragonstone for a while, and he still might be after this. With the way this season is progressing, Dany is going to need all the help she can get, and the Northerners are her last chance for an ally. The show has been building to the Targaryen-Stark alliance for quite some time. It might need them not only to defeat the White Walkers, but the Lannisters too.

At the very least, we know that the Dragonglass is going to be mined and forged. Weapons are coming, and that is a good sign. One worrisome aspect, is Dany’s quick jump to leaving with her dragons and going to burn down Euron’s fleet. If only there were someone else who could ride the dragons…

Besides all the war strategics, we had a few touching moments. Sam being able to cure Jorah and allowing him to have his redemption arc is incredibly sweet. With all the attention that both Sam and Jorah have been given this season, something has got to give. One of the two, if not both, is going to play a major part in an event by the end of this season.

While the Sam and Jorah moment was touching, the Sansa — Bran moment actually gave me chills. I was so happy to see these two meet. My hope is that Arya joins them very soon. Again, we see the growth of these characters. The scene prior to meeting Bran, Sansa was running Winterfell; possibly doing a better job than Jon, not that I’m surprised. Bran, on the other hand, is now the three-eyed raven, which, like Sansa, nobody knows what the means. But given Bran’s position and abilities, he will have to help Sansa and Jon in the war to come, and possibly even take part in the fight himself…

Oh, and let’s not forget, Cersei’s beautiful, drastic revenge. Imprisoning both Ellaria and Obara, and poisoining Obara in the same way Ellaria poisoned Myrcella is picture perfect. Leaving Ellaria down in the prison to be forced to watch Obara die a slow death is absolutely brutal. Cersei is easily the most ruthless character in Westeros right now. If Dany isn’t careful, she’s going to lose this fight.

Here’s to Dany going Mad King like her father! Let’s hope Jamie doesn’t stab her in the back.

Other notes:

  • Bronn is back and is with Jamie!
  • Did Melisandre just predict both her and Varys’ deaths? I think she did.
  • Euron has zero chill, and I kind of love it.
  • Davos almost spilled the resurrection beans. Not cool Davos.
  • Everyone has been thinking Jon and Dany are going to get married, seems like they’re both a little too preoccupied trying to stay alive.
  • Being killed with poison is a mercy, apparently. Tell that to the Freys. I guess you can’t.
  • Sam is being put to rewrite old scrolls huh? I wonder if he’ll find anything of importance there.



Brandon Daniel
The Unbalanced

Staff Writer for The Unbalanced. Find me on Twitter @BrandonDNH