
Someone, Anyone Trade for Richard Sherman

The Seattle corner is on the market and some team needs to cash in

The Unbalanced
Published in
4 min readApr 24, 2017


The saying goes, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

But apparently the Seattle Seahawks didn’t get that memo. The last few weeks of the offseason have been littered with talk that the Seahawks are fielding offers for their All-Pro cornerback Richard Sherman.

It started first as the classic testing-the-waters type of rumors but has since gained more and more traction, to the point where the demands are out there for teams to attempt to make an offer.

And the Seattle front office isn’t being shy about it whatsoever.

Seahawks’ general manager John Schneider said via the Seattle Times that although he doesn’t “think the odds are very good” right now, “if someone comes cruising along and something happens and we do something, it happens.”

That sounds an awful lot like, “Somebody make me an offer, any offer.”

Why exactly the Seahawks believe it would be a good idea to trade away arguably their best defender who has all but locked down an entire half of the field since 2012 is a bit of a head scratcher.

He may be getting up there in age at 29 and his contract ($13+ million cap hit the next two seasons) is certainly a hefty one for a player whose success has been primarily based off scheme fit, but you have to think Seattle is a much better team with Sherman shutting down one side of the field.

That being said, if Seattle is willing to send him away in hopes of getting younger and saving some cap space, somebody needs to pick up the phone and make it happen.

Red Letter Christians

Even at 29, which really isn’t that old, Sherman is one of if not the best cornerback in the NFL. He has proven over the last five seasons just how valuable the position is in today’s league.

Since coming into the league in 2011 as a fifth round pick, Sherman has the most interceptions (30) and has allowed both the lowest completion percentage (48%) and passer rating (50.3) in the league during that same span.

To think that nobody in the league could stand to utilize that is just wrong.

And to think that kind of value, experience and talent isn’t worth a first round pick is inconceivable.

The general consensus seems to be that the Seahawks are looking for a first rounder and then either an established player or a mid-round pick in exchange for Sherman and surprisingly, that seems to be too much for the other 31 teams in the league.

Sherman isn’t worth the first overall pick or maybe even a top 10, but he is worth a pick in the teens or twenties. If you’re able to part with just a fourth, that’s a steal and a half — even at 29-years-old.

Every year it’s discussed which team’s are in win-now mode and are a piece or two away from legitimate contention. There’s at least two or three this trade would accomplish just that for.

Explain how Green Bay trading pick number 29 and a third doesn’t immediately improve their defense and make them Super Bowl favorites. Or how swapping first rounders and maybe sending a fifth along wouldn’t make some sort of sense for the Panthers to execute. Or better yet how it wouldn’t make sense for Dallas, who’s in desperate need of secondary help, to give up their No. 28 pick and just about anything else for Sherman to get their defensive backfield back in shape.

You can’t. It simply makes too much sense for so many teams to give up some draft capital to nab a sure thing. Especially when that sure thing is one of the league’s top cornerbacks.

Is Sherman worth a top 10 pick and a third or fourth for a bottom dwelling team? Probably not. But if you’re one of the teams who has a near complete roster and is staring a narrow win-now window in the face, a trade for Sherman makes too much sense not to happen.


