WikiLeaks Strikes Again

Julian Assange comes to Donald Trump’s Rescue

Creighton Suter
The Unbalanced
3 min readMar 7, 2017



There should no longer be a sliver of doubt in even the most vacuous minds that there is at the very least an aligning interest and possibly even a direct connection between the Donald Trump regime and the infamous WikiLeaks organization.

A day after trusted Trump ally Roger Stone reiterated in unbecoming fashion his backchannel connection to WikiLeak’s Julian Assange , WikiLeaks released what appears to be it’s first batch of C.I.A leaks that it’s dubbed “Vault 7”. The organization claims that it is just a portion of 9,000 documents that it plans to release detailing the extent of the intelligence agency’s hacking capabilities.

There are pieces of information within the leak that will shake the souls of freedom-infatuated Americans everywhere, but these are the same Americans that sent a message in November that they were trembling in fear and willing to forfeit everything traditionally held dear in American government all for the appearance of safety.

Coincidentally, the leaks also come days after Trump himself embarked on a libel-laced Twitter binge targeting former President Barack Obama. His claims that the President personally ordered a wiretap of his phones were at the time groundless. The relevancy of today’s leaks, however, seem to indicate that Trump had seen them prior to their release, effectively assuring him that attention would soon be deflected from his ridiculous allegations. Not necessarily surprising considering the Stone revelations.

There’s one comforting fact here. This means Trump isn’t relying solely on Mark Levin to backup his defamatory polemics. That’s about it though. Everything else is unspeakably unnerving.

WikiLeaks has long been known to cooperate with the Russian Government, and they were definitively the Kremlin’s chosen medium to disseminate the DNC emails. And again, here they are, swooping in to save the Donald’s day — right on cue.

Russia is becoming increasingly emboldened in their efforts to undermine the actions of well-established, foreign governments. In Lithuania, German troops have recently arrived as a show of force to prevent a Crimea-esque confrontation with Russia, but it happens to be an uncharacteristic appearance by Germany in a country previously invaded by the Nazis— a point Russia is intent on reviving and capitalizing on.

An excerpt from a Washington Post article:

Recently, coordinated emails were sent to Lithuanian police, media and top politicians, falsely claiming that the new German troops had gang-raped a local 15-year-old girl. The Lithuanian government quickly disproved the allegations — but not before a few local outlets and social-media users had spread the false accounts. Officials are investigating whether the Russians were behind it.

A Slate article pointed out that election tampering isn’t a new phenomenon historically speaking, but political manipulations during the Cold War were often limited to destabilized regimes with competing ideologies.

The most recent release from WikiLeaks is yet another sign that Donald trump is unabashedly willing to accept aid, solicited or not, from a Russian supported organization meddling in the affairs of nations across the globe.



Creighton Suter
The Unbalanced

Writer at The Unbalanced and an unabashed moderate.