Dare to Be Different: Taking Risks with College Essays

Taking Risks with College Essays — The Ivy Institute

Written by The Ivy Institute, a college admissions consulting firm.

In the fiercely competitive world of college admissions, where countless essays blur into similarity, it’s time to shake things up. If you’re seeking to stand out and make a lasting impression on admissions officers, it’s better to take a chance and embrace risk in your college essays. Why play it safe when the risk is denial and the reward for daring can be an acceptance?

Picture this: admissions officers are buried beneath a mountain of essays that all blend together, regurgitating the same achievements, experiences, and clichés. It’s no wonder they yearn for something fresh and different. By taking a chance and infusing your essay with uniqueness, you have a remarkable opportunity to rise above the competition and capture their attention.

It’s time to unleash your creativity and let your personality shine through your writing. Dare to embrace your quirks, unconventional ideas, and out-of-the-box thinking. Admissions officers are on the lookout for students who challenge the status quo and exhibit a genuine sense of individuality. So, why not showcase your true self and let your essay become a captivating expression of your unique perspective?

Playing it safe may seem like a comfortable option, but it’s authenticity that truly leaves a lasting impact. Admissions officers read thousands of essays, and they can quickly identify when an essay lacks genuine passion or fails to reveal the true essence of the applicant. By taking a risk, you demonstrate your willingness to share your authentic self and open the door to a deeper connection with the reader.

Contrary to popular belief, admissions officers appreciate applicants who take chances and try something different. While there is always an element of subjective evaluation, the act of taking a risk showcases your courage, creativity, and willingness to think outside the box. Even if your essay doesn’t meet their specific preferences, they are more likely to view your effort favorably and appreciate your willingness to stand out.

It’s essential to recognize that taking a risk doesn’t guarantee success every time. There may be instances where your bold approach doesn’t resonate with the admissions officers. However, even in perceived failure, there are traits and qualities that the admissions office will reward. By taking risks, you demonstrate resilience, a growth mindset, and the ability to bounce back stronger. Failure becomes an opportunity for growth and self-reflection, which are qualities that admissions officers admire.

(With that said, taking risks is not an open door to write or say anything, and students should always avoid possibly offensive or controversial topics.)

The college essay is your canvas, waiting for your creative genius to breathe life into it. Don’t be afraid to experiment with unconventional structures, tell engaging stories, or explore unique perspectives. Step out of your comfort zone and let your imagination run wild. Who knows? Your risk-taking spirit may just be the catalyst that propels your essay from ordinary to extraordinary.

In a world where countless college essays fall victim to the plague of similarity, it’s time to be bold, daring, and different. Taking risks with your college essays opens up a world of possibilities and allows your true self to shine. Embrace your quirks, unleash your creativity, and fearlessly express your unique perspective. Even if it doesn’t always go according to plan, remember that the rewards of taking a chance far outweigh the consequences of playing it safe. So, go ahead, step into the unknown, and let your college essay become the canvas upon which you paint your brilliance.

This article was first published by The Ivy Institute, a college admissions consulting firm.



The Ivy Institute of College Admission Consultants
College Admissions Insider  by The Ivy Institute

College admissions consultants from the Ivy League—guiding students to college success with years of insights, experience, and research. (www.theivyinst.org)