Quantum Computer: Not A Science Fiction Anymore

Shalvi Desai
The Unconventional Techie
3 min readFeb 23, 2020

After Google’s terrific demonstration of first ever quantum computer with 53-qubit Sycamore processor, which was able to perform a calculation in 200 seconds that would have taken the most powerful classical super computer around 10,000 years, also claiming quantum supremacy with the latter incident. There are several tech giants who have built their own quantum computers like IBM, Intel, Rigetti and D-wave. There would be numerous questions revolving around your brain right now, how it is different from classical computing? how does it work? how can it compete to the current super computers? don’t fuss on it, everything will be just be cleared out by the end of this article.

Our daily life is governed by the laws of classical physics but when it comes to fundamental particles like electron, proton and neutron, they are governed by the laws of quantum physics. In classical computing fundamental unit was a binary bit i.e. either it can be 1 or 0. Our entire data is converted into these binary bits. In quantum computing the fundamental unit is a quantum bit or a qubit. These qubits can represent itself as a superposition of 1 and 0. Here there are numerous possibilities that a qubit can lie in a spectrum of probability where it can be 20% be 1 and 80% be 0 or 60% 1 and 40% 0 ,thus unique qubits are can be generated. Let’s understand two main principles of quantum bits in detail:

1. Superposition

In classical physics, a wave describing a musical tone can be seen as several waves with different frequencies that are added together, superposed. Similarly, a quantum state in superposition can be seen as a linear combination of other distinct quantum states. This quantum state in superposition forms a new valid quantum state. Thus a quantum bit can exist simultaneously be 1 and 0.Lets understand this with an analogy of a coin, when we flip a coin, we can predict it’s outcome to be either heads or tails just like our binary bit but in quantum bits we can consider all the states while the coin is still spinning that it can be both heads and tails simultaneously with the help of superposition.

2. Entanglement

Entanglement is an extremely strong correlation that exists between quantum particles so strong, in fact, that two or more quantum particles can be inextricably linked in perfect unison, even if separated by great distances. They have values such that their total spin comes out to be null or zero. Even if these particles are kept at two extremely opposite ends of the universe, they continue showing this correlation irrespective of the distance between them.

So now let’s take a look to trailblazing applications of quantum computing:

· Cryptography: To encrypt data in such a manner that it cannot be cracked by forming the most secure algorithm and use of large digit prime numbers.

· Molecular Modelling: It can be used for simulation of various chemical compounds to identify their properties; hence it can play a crucial role in drug development.

· Artificial Intelligence: AI can take a huge leap after successful implementation of quantum computation, as it depends on learning from experience or feedback; faster computation can solve and understand complex choices and give effective results.

· There are various areas where quantum computing can cast its’s spell like weather forecasting, traffic optimization, cleaner fertilizers, solar capture, financial modelling, better batteries and electronic material discovery.

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