Searching for Passion

Archit Singh
Knowledge Brewery
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2020

Throughout our lives, we’re always looking for something in which we can find happiness which doesn’t diminish or vanish. We try to obtain things that we don’t and try to preserve things that we already have, but the joy that comes from these things is very fleeting. In the process, we start looking for something which can give us satisfaction and eventually, a lot of us spend our whole life experimenting and never settling on anything.

So, what is passion? “Passion can be defined as a strong, powerful, or compelling emotion or feeling towards work, life, health etc.” Well, this sounds bookish. Let me make it simple. Passion is something which completes you, something which makes you as you and no one else, something which derives you, which energizes you. It can be anything; you only need to be tempestuous about it. For example, I like to do skating, playing football, but I don’t have the determination to push myself through broken bones and hospital visits. Moreover, I don’t see any future in it. That’s the reason I’m not so good at it, i.e. I don’t have a passion for it. Passion can be one’s career choice; one can be passionate about becoming a doctor, an engineer etc. This doesn’t mean that you want to be one of these just because you need some money and professions like these can earn you a lot; you’re passionate about it because you love something about it.

According to ancient Indian philosophy, the only way to find permanent happiness is to find out one’s passion and abide by it. Passion can be anything; it can be work, life, health, love etc. , but what matters is that we should have a strong feeling or emotion towards it, i.e. the driving force should come from within. When we do something that we are passionate about, there’s always a feeling of satisfaction, and we feel good about it.

Finding your passion isn’t just about careers and money. It’s about finding your authentic self, the one you’ve buried beneath other people’s needs. People who make a difference in their lives and the world do so by following their passion. It’s their passion which makes them work hard all day long towards a specific goal. To support our passion, we need to sacrifice a lot of things, to avoid the distraction and concentrate on that particular thing.

But the question is “How to find your passion ?”. Finding what you are passionate about is a journey in itself. Don’t get frustrated if you feel that you don’t know your passion yet. One needs to keep trying new things. Don’t give up on anything. What if you earn hefty and you’re able to fulfil all your daily needs, but you’re not happy in doing that work? You haven’t found your passion yet. Don’t settle for the bare minimum just because it’s working right now. Move ahead! Try doing something else. Don’t let the fear of trying new things stop you from finding what you’re passionate about.
What if you’ve found your passion, but you are not doing anything about it? That’s also of no use! You’ll never know what you really are unless you push yourself. Never settle !.

“Life is a journey that starts from womb end ends to tomb”. If you want to be successful in your life, follow your passion. Do what makes you feel good, what makes you happy, by which you’re you’re able to earn a livelihood. At any point in life, you’re never going to be satisfied with what you have. So follow your passion and one day, you’ll become a man!.



Archit Singh
Knowledge Brewery

I’m a 22-year-old undergrad majoring in Information Technology, always looking forward to a career in the field of Computer Science.