Nine equals Zero

The Ninth Sphere
The Underground Stream
2 min readJul 26, 2016

In purely esoteric terms the number 9 equals the largest number, or the whole. This is because it is the largest number before the register clicks over back to zero again. As we have already seen in the post on 0.99999… = 1, our infinite series of nines and zeros are equivalent. So, the whole (infinity) equals nothing. Can this be proven in a mathematical sense? Yes, it can: Provided we allow for some interesting mathematical trickery.

To start with lets look at the number 5 and its multiplication tables, which proceed as follows; 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and so on… If we begin to sequentially add the numerals in each of these multiples of 5, so that 10 becomes 1 + 0 = 1 and 15 becomes 1 + 5 = 6 then we arrive at the following sequence; 5, 1, 6, 2, 7, 3, 8, 4, 9, and back to 5 again. These numbers repeat, following this exact same order all the way up to infinity. If we look at the sequence again we can see that 9 precedes 5, so if we want to extend the sequence backwards beyond the first instance of 5 (or; 5 x 1) then we get 5 x 0 = 9. So the datum for the number 5 multiplication table is nine or zero, meaning that zero is an undefined quantity comprising both everything and nothing, just as we saw in the infinity nines and zeros in the previous post .

We can do this with all of the whole integers; 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, etc. and all of them show that 0 = 9.

If 0 = 9; then we can write;
-1 = 8
-2 = 7
-3 = 6
-4 = 5
-5 = 4
-6 = 3
-7 = 2
-8 = 1
-9 = 0

Now we have unusual negative equivalences for all of the base numbers in the number line, we just continue the series down the lefthand side to form the following equivalences;

-10 = -1
-11 = -2
-12 = -3
and so on…

Now we have it so that -1 = 8 (and -10), which of course means that -10 = 8, which in turn means that 0 can now also equal 18 or -18, both of which (interestingly) are multiples of 9.

What kind of sorcery is this? The good kind or the bad kind? The bad kind surely, because by breaking our understanding of what zero means, we have broken our concept of equivalencies and so it appears that almost any number on the number line can equal any another.



The Ninth Sphere
The Underground Stream

The Ninth Sphere is the title of Christopher O’Neill’s first Science Fiction novel. This and many more of his novels are to be reproduced here in full. Read on…