Prayer & Worship Night

Underground Network
Underground Network
1 min readOct 1, 2014


Tonight at 6:45

A.T. Pierson once said “There has never been a spiritual awakening in any country or locality that did not begin in united prayer.” At the Underground, we are a collection of devoted, sacrificial missional Christians who labor for the redemption of our city. But we need to be sure that we are calling on God and asking for him to bless our efforts.

Lately, we’ve been sensing a call come together in corporate prayer, and we want to respond in faith. So, we are hosting a time of prayer for the city, campus ministry, each other, and the kingdom — tonight, at 6:45pm. If you (and your microchurch) can get free, we’d love for you to join us at the HUB. This timing really works out well as there will be no Crucible this Sunday.

Just show up tonight and pray with us in the auditorium tonight. We’ve love for you to be a part of our voice as we call on God to us us to do miracles in our city.

