Become Part of the Family

A publication like no other

Danny Forest
The Understanding Project
2 min readJun 13, 2019


What we stand for

The mission of The Understanding Project is to pursue unconstrained, slow, deep thought, and cultivate such thinking in others.

We find ourselves these days in an intellectual environment where expertise, speed, and superficiality seem to be regarded as virtues. The thought behind that attitude seems to be that many hands make light work, and we should leave the deep thinking to experts.

But what does this do to each individual human mind?

It leaves it to atrophy.

The human mind thrives when it can feast on a wide range of topics, and dive deep into any one at a given time. We are for the polymath who believes true understanding can be achieved by anyone who wants to.

Since constraints on learning produce constraints on understanding, and everything is connected to everything else, The Understanding Project uniquely combines breadth and depth.

Each piece we write provides insights that make the reader think and leave with a new perspective on the stakes of humanity such as Education, Philosophy, Leadership, Medicine, Psychology, and more.

How we operate

The Understanding Project is a coop-style publication where every member has a share in the publication. Every member is an editor, and every piece gets edited by at least a few members. Members are expected to submit one piece every month on average and to be enthusiastic about, and pull their weight in, editing articles of others.

We also have a monthly call where we discuss the next steps for the publication. Every member is strongly encouraged to participate.

How to become a part of the family

Let’s be clear on one thing: we are very selective.

We aim to keep the family small. Quality over quantity is our motto. We want our readers to be delighted when they see a new piece from The Understanding Project. As such, we are looking for serious writers who can write deep, thought-provoking articles.

Sounds like you?

Great, then we’d love to hear from you!

Here’s what our process looks like:

  1. Use this form to apply.
  2. We’ll do an interview call with potential candidates to ensure that our method of operation is clear and that we’re a good fit for each other.
  3. If selected, you’ll be on-boarded shortly after. Welcome to the family!

*Note: The whole process may take up to two weeks.

That’s it ladies and gents!


Maarten, Nick, Mike, Danny




Danny Forest
The Understanding Project

Polymath. Life Optimizer. Learner. Entrepreneur. Engineer. Writer.