How Can Stories Be So Powerful?

Maarten van Doorn
The Understanding Project


A lot has been said recently about narratives. If you are at all interested in how humans understand reality, the term seems to show up everywhere

Their omnipresence is well-deserved. Stories are unique devices for making sense of the world. It’s how our brains work. As cognitive scientist Mark Tuner has said: “Narrative imagining — story — is the fundamental instrument of thought. Rational capacities depend upon it. It is our chief means of looking into the future, or predicting, of planning, and of explaining.”

This influx of narratives got me thinking. It might be fun to take a trip to all the different areas that they now populate and see what we can learn. The journey will be bumpy and exciting, and much will be explained.

All aboard the storytelling train!

Stop 1: Stories that unify groups

It’s our day off so — naturally — we all got bought a beer at the way-too-expensive station kiosk. Never mind that it’s still in the AM.

With five minutes delay, our ride arrives. We’re the only people in there. The train has a modern interior, chairs of light-purple leather that are slightly uncomfortable. Of course there are smart-screens and WiFi. Leonard Cohen’s ‘Is this what you wanted?’ is softly playing in the background.



Maarten van Doorn
The Understanding Project

Essays about why we believe what we do, how societies come to a public understanding about truth, and how we might do better (crazy times)