Pilgrim of Cele — 8

Chapter 8: Tense Tomato

K. M. Schenk
The Unending Tales
5 min readJul 3, 2017


Approach of the PSS-5633 to The Ark (Source: EVE Online)

“This is officer Shahnaz, PSS-5633 in sector… sector… 43B of… star system Icheon. Gonna have to report a drifter.” Officer Kåre Shahnaz sighed into the communicator. The 6 man patrol ship PSS-5633 had just cleared sectors 39–42B and were working their way through 43B when scanners picked up “The Ark”. It was a Tesla ship, one of the older ones. A T-213 by the looks of it, the one with a ’36 generator and one of the worst propulsion systems on the second-hand market. This one looked third or fourth hand.

“What a tub of shit” officer Anton laughed “My sister had one of these like 20 years ago. Like, aren’t these from 2234?” Anton snickered as he bit off more of the YumYum® cherry-flavoured nutrient bar.

Officer Shahnaz smiled “Yeah, about that time. Most of ’em were refitted for new propulsion systems. They would give up the ghost sometimes. Maybe even during warp!” Shahnaz smiled to himself as he looked at the communicator, waiting for a reply from the relay station, whilst officer Anton observed the travel vectors and decelerated. Behind them, officers Giannis and Voitsekh played cards silently in the recreation area which was not too far from the command centre. The rest of the 68 meter long PSS-5633 — that had a Navy Comet design — had the weapons room and the dormitory. A light blue hue was on their faces, released by the lighting of the command centre lights.

Random squawks from the communicator perturbed the silence as Shahnaz waited for a reply from command, it usually took a few seconds.

“PSS-5633 you… are… cleared to approach ship model T-213, registration number XZZ44298 dash… two. Do not dock until you have done a visual, over,” a feminine voice told them with slight uncertainty.

“Roger that Angela, over. Bring her in Anton.” The PSS-5633, which thee officers nicknamed Pegasus, glided around the remains of The Ark. As they approached, warning light on, Shahnaz tried to establish communications with the ship, though from afar he could already see fire coming from one of the primary engines and debris floating away slowly. It turned on it’s own axis as it was dancing slowly through space.

Anton sighed “Pirates, probably. We should get a scrapper here. Voitsekh, mark it,” Anton turned his head slightly but kept his eyes on the screen as Voitsekh, a burly, hairless man, not even eyebrows, grunted as he slammed the cards in his hand on the table.

“Easy Brutus. Jeez. Sore loser. Shouldn’t be playing with you,” Giannis smirked as she gathered the cards and got up to prepare the scanner.

Anton was the CO for this trip, the next sector was going to be Shahnaz’s turn. Shahnaz was glad they found The Ark on Anton’s turn. He scratched his short curly hair on his head and focused on the communicator: “This is the Police Spaceship under call sign 5633, under authority of the United Cevellian Nations. Come in The Ark.”

“Why do you bother?” Anton shook his head as he looked at The Ark from the various camera drones that swarmed out to inspect the ship.

“Scanners show six compartments, one cargo bay,” Giannis informed Anton as they approached The Ark. “The oxygen levels are at 23 percent and… sinking, obviously. Checking for signs of life.”

“This is the Police Spaceship under call sign 5633, come in The Ark.” Shahnaz repeated. A few seconds after, Shahnaz relayed to command “Command, requesting to board The Ark. Sector 43B.”

“We have no vitals anywhere guys. Sorr- wait!” Giannis gasped “Someone is alive!”

“It could be a trap. Take it slow, wake up Gijsbert and Emerson and tell them to gear up.” Anton ordered.

“We have to hurry, Anton. The oxygen levels are sinking, whoever is in there could die if we don’t hurry.”

“I am in command, Giannis,” Anton replied “Besides, if it’s a trap, I’d rather take my time. Didn’t you hear what happened last month outside of the Ubilon trade station?” With that, Giannis went silent with a frown. Her braided hair resisted the quick turn of her head and rested on her back as she continued to monitor the scan results of The Ark.

“22 percent…” she growled.

“This is Gijsbert, approach-” Gijsbert yawned from his spacesuit, assault rifle in hand as he approached The Ark at 5 m/s. Emerson was close behind, with a laser shotgun. “If this piece of shit blows up, you are telling my wife, Anton.” Emerson semi-joked as he glided behind Gijsbert.

“Yeah, yeah. It’s one person, probably unconscious with oxygen levels so low. Just get him or her or it out and let’s get out of here.” Anton replied and Voitsekh murmured loud enough for Anton to hear that “if it’s an ‘it’ we are eating it.” No one defied the decision.

Gijsbert applied his universal door opener and the bay of The Ark opened, the inside was not pressurised leading to various rubbish and boxes flying out of The Ark at high speeds. “Oh, I think I saw a hat,” Gijsbert quipped as he turned on his helmet light, Emerson close behind.

“Oxygen levels at 14 percent now, Anton,” Giannis complained. Anton nodded “Hurry up guys, if it looks pirate-y, shoot on sight.” Shahnaz exhaled loudly “What?” Anton asked him immediately. Shahnaz looked Anton straight into his dark brown eyes but said nothing, shaking his head lightly.

“Better them than us, Kåre. Every fucking time.” Frowning, Anton looked back to the screen.

“Oh sheeeeeit, Anton. Fuck. Oh damn, this place is teeming with bodies. Dead men, dead women, all super dead. Fuck. Fuck this is nasty. It’s so creepy with the light, Anton. Emerson you getting this right?”

“Yeah, recording. Don’t forget what I said Anton… Fuck.” Emerson shouted the last word into his helmet, giving Giannis and Shahnaz a jump. A face with a gaping mouth and a missing forehead stared at Emerson’s helmet camera.

“Calm down, Emerson. Just find the bogey and let’s roll.” Shahnaz replied, slightly agitated. Voitsekh got up and stood behind Shahnaz and Anton to observe the helmet cameras, whilst Giannis stayed at the scanner.

“10 percent,” was all she said.

“OK, we are at the only closed door. Should… should I knock?” Gijsbert asked. Emerson simply swiped his arm on the lock and raised his weapon. Gijsbert instinctively raised his gun and the — surprisingly wood covered door — swooshed open. Emerson shot three quick bursts. Gijsbert screamed. Giannis screamed. Anton screamed. Shahnaz froze. Voitsekh sighed.

Gijsbert and Emerson stumbled into the air lock whilst the others waited on the other side. Upon pressurisation, the airlock door opened and Giannis ran in. “Oh by the Senators. Come here, poor boy, come here,” Giannis picked up the little boy and cradled him in her arms, the oxygen mask still fixed tightly on his face. Emerson was sweating and stared blankly at the boy.

Gijsbert pulled off his helmet and stroked his red hair and began: “Well, we will need an enquiry now. Shahnaz, best call for backup.”

Shahnaz nodded as he stared at the little boy and his unconscious, angelic face. He turned on his heels and ran to the communicator.

Editor’s Note: Thanks to Kevin for another great chapter! The only person we have signed up for now is:

Joe Rodriguez — July 7th

