December 3rd 2013
Private lesson day
Today it could be said that I was taught multiple private lessons.
First was my private lesson on the trumpet. This would be considered a real private lesson. I go in we sit and play trumpet for 30 minutes. He helps me fix a few of my issues, gives me some pointers calls it good. I give him $40 every other week(which is a really cheap private lesson).
However everyday we are given private lessons constantly. Every time something happens to us our to someone near us, or really anytime anything happens and we are paying attention. Whether or not we call these little experiences private lessons is really our own choosing. If we pay attention to every detail and minute factor that effects our lives in some way we will learn and grow so much.
If we were to spend the kind of attention on every little detail of our lives as we do when we are in an interview, driving in rush hour, trying to solve a creative problem. The kind of focus where we notice everything. We would be able to notice the exact time in the morning in which on an average day we can get to work or school with the smallest commute time. We notice that we spend three hours on Facebook and E-mails daily. We notice that the coffee doesn't really help us that much, and it is costing you 100's of dollars a month. We would begin to notice every little thing that is degrading our life.
The glorious thing is when we start to fix these little issues, they are easy to issues to fix, and they add up. That extra minute in the morning, that extra hundred bucks, that extra hour and a half throughout the day. Those might be some unrealistic and hyperbolic but they're representative of all the little time that we waste.
If we start using every second of our day completely then one has essentially added years to their life span. You are now a more valuable worker. Therefore you can move up in your industry.
Now there are 31,536,000 (or close there in) seconds in a year. Assuming we sleep for an average of 8 hours a day that leaves us with 21,024,000 seconds in a year to be productive, now we have to subtract 1 and a half hours a day for preparing food, and getting up in the morning and going to bed we have 19,053,000 seconds that's 12.5 million seconds already gone, and you haven't even left for work.
if we assume an average commute time of 20 minutes there and back for 240 days of the year that's a loss of 576,000 seconds, or 160 hours. But are times like these really losses? what about that book you always wanted to read, books on tape. there is quite a bit you could get done with your 160 hours.
We still have 18,477,000 seconds left in our year. lets say you also have to spend another 10 minutes going back and forth from your car to your office. You probably make that trip four times, lunch and leaving and returning. That's 288,000 seconds, or 80 hours a year. These are the hours that you could spend checking your social media. Do you even really want to spend even 80 hours on social media?
18,189,000 left, lets assume you spend 5 hours a day being truly productive at work that's 4,320,000 seconds of productiveness. Now we have 13,869,000 seconds left. lets call 2 hours a day on average family social interaction, that’s productive time, building up the future.
after all that working out our times we are left with just over a third of our time left, 11,277,000 seconds.
that is the time in your life that you get to choose what you want to do with it. 3132 hours to make what you will of it, so make it worthwhile, every second counts, and they all add up.
If you see typos let me know I wrote this at midnight. Feel free to recomend if you like this article.