Could It Be That I Enjoy Doing the Dishes?

I like it

Gaby Rogut
The Unexpected Autistic Life


Photo of woman and child doing the dishes
Photo by Nicole De Khors from Burst

The meal is over.

It doesn’t matter if it was breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

After everything has been said and done, dishes are picked up and must be diligently washed. You know how it is: if you wait, food gets stuck to the plates.

We don’t want that to happen, right?

Usually, my son does the dishes in the morning. He takes his time: he likes to make too much foam and play with it.

However, after lunch and dinner, it is my turn.

I gather my supplies, and collect all stranded dishes -don’t you hate it when you think you are done, only to find a cup that was hiding behind the TV?

Sometimes I choose a podcast and listen to it while I do my task. Others, it is just music. And there’s also the occasion when I prefer silence.

After that, there’s just the dirty dishes, the water, the dish soap, and me.

I work my way through the pile.

I do this every day. And I love it.

It’s probably the most peaceful moment of the day, this single task in front of me, nothing to think about except executing this apparently menial job. And yet…



Gaby Rogut
The Unexpected Autistic Life

Jack of too many trades. Mom to a son. Former teacher. Bi. Autistic. Mexicana. Need some feedback? Hire me!