Screw Autism Awareness

It’s time for acceptance

Gaby Rogut
The Unexpected Autistic Life


One pair of red high top shoes with blue LED lights
Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst

April 2nd is coming fast.

What happens on April 2nd, you ask?

Well, all around the world, people wear blue, they talk about alarming statistics concerning that “illness that steals children”, they spread panic about the increasing number of autistic people (never mind we are really talking about an increase in diagnoses). Oh, and they march, many times wearing t-shirts with a puzzle piece printed on them.

That fucking puzzle piece.

It’s Autism Awareness Day, people. Brace yourselves.

According to the Merriam-Webster website, awareness means:

“the quality or state of being aware: knowledge and understanding that something is happening or exists.”

So, yeah. Basically, it’s a whole day of people celebrating the fact that they know autistic people exist.


Also, there are lots of fundraising efforts (“support the search for a cure”), and sad stories on the news (“look at these parents who suffer so much because their kid is autistic”). We also tend to have stories about people who *gasp* did something basically decent for an autistic person and, therefore, are heroes. The story of course centers around the neurotypical persons, the…



Gaby Rogut
The Unexpected Autistic Life

Jack of too many trades. Mom to a son. Former teacher. Bi. Autistic. Mexicana. Need some feedback? Hire me!