Drag and Drop Builders

Matt Stammers
The Unexpected Developer
2 min readJan 21, 2017
How to start your journey taking on the WWW

Drag and Drop Builders

Rather than going through all the drag and drop builders in text form I thought it would whistle through them on video.

For people who don’t want any customization and just want to get started with a particular project this is a great way to start. But if you want any sort of control beyond the basic package you will be frustrated.and I would move straight over to the wordpress tutorials (don’t worry I will start from the extremely basic!)

Right so here is the drag and drop video:

An introduction to Drag and Drop builders

So in conclusion Squarespace is probably the best one. Wix and Weebly are pretty. Shopify can build a shop quickly (but it does have other limitations.) Boldgrid and Sitebuilder come recommended (I can recommend In-Motion hosting). Jimdo and Duda are new challengers. Always worth checking out because you might be able to get a good deal.

In general these builders let you get up and running fast for only a small amount of money (avoid free plans because they will monetize your site either with advertising or in a darker way).

However, enough of these primitive beasts. Deep down I bear them no love because they rob the web developer of any control, and all the websites end up looking very similar. You will build a basic site that you can’t customize very much and you will lack the control to make any meaningful changes. Also the hosting plans quickly become quite restrictive (more on that later). I would think of them as a sort of soft-play area only to get your feet wet.

If you want to break new ground with web software you need to understand way more, and that’s why the next tutorial will be on basic web terminology.

Originally published at Clinical Developers Network.



Matt Stammers
The Unexpected Developer

Medicine, Technology and Entrepreneurship. It’s time to bring in a new age of people-shaped health software.