The Paradox of Freedom (Why Personal Freedom Is Not The Win You Think It Is)

Kanchi Uttamchandani
The Unfair Advantage
2 min readOct 8, 2022

A Valuable Lesson I Learned the Hard Way

Photo by Zulmaury Saavedra on Unsplash

Freedom is a defining value of North American culture.

I deeply resonate with this value as I always had a strong desire to be a free and independent woman. So much so that it drove my decision to leave home and pursue an education abroad in a country where I didn’t know anyone.

Until I realized (through many hard experiences) that pursuing personal freedom is overhyped. No one tells you the opportunity cost of unlimited personal freedom.

With the freedom to pursue many options, here’s what happened to me.

  • I chased a lot of shiny objects (read I was easily distracted)
  • My life became ‘busy’ (read chaotic)
  • Optimized my life for comfort and convenience
  • My focus went to shit
  • I started comparing myself to others thanks to social media
  • My anxiety went up

Thankfully, my dissatisfaction with life reached a breaking point. I forced myself to do hard things that I knew deep down I should be doing. Wasn’t easy. I still struggle sometimes.

But I made enough progress to realize that:

Committing to a specific change + Setting Limits = Discipline = Freedom

The lesson I learned the hard way?

True freedom comes from setting constraints on what you can do.

True freedom comes from taking responsibility and committing to a cause greater than yourself.

True freedom comes from doing hard things and challenging yourself.



Kanchi Uttamchandani
The Unfair Advantage

Writing about life, digital health, and practical ethics. Grad student by day and grant writer by night.