Nevada’s Prized Debauchery: How NOT to commit sin in the Sin City of Las Vegas

Las Vegas prizes its identity as the City of Sin, and stories from locals prove the city lives up to its name. As the popular saying goes: “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”

Gaelic Bread
The Unfolded Truths
6 min readMar 14, 2021


Las Vegas is the most populous city in the state of Nevada, the 28th most populous nationwide and one of the fastest-growing metropolitan areas in the United States (2010 Census). | Image source: The Jet Setter’s Guide

WARNING: Contains sexual, alcoholic, and indecent themes. This article is not suitable for all audiences. Read responsibly.

It is a sin to not commit sin in the Sin City.

Known for its casinos, bars, clubs, and vibrant nightlife, Las Vegas is home to wild fun as the “Entertainment Capital of the World.” However, it is also home to some of the wackiest stories all told by locals, visitors, and workers in the city that might as well beat the notoriety of the infamous Florida man.

Depending on who people ask, stories from Vegas may vary from defecating in casinos and bars, to having public intercourse with nobody batting an eye to the act. But these stories do not come from out of thin air — various Nevada laws have made the state, as well as the city, stand out for its sins.

Las Vegas is known for its casinos that has attracted a lot of tourists domestically and internationally. | Image source:

Nevada has legalized gambling

Vegas’s reputation for gambling first became possible after the Nevada state legislature legalized gambling in 1931 throughout the state, realizing that in doing so would help profit local businesses amid the Great Depression. The first casinos were constructed, which would later boost Nevada’s revenue and transition from a mining-based economy to one based off such services.

These casinos would attract people to move to Vegas, and Nevada as a whole would become one of the fastest-growing states in America due to such influx, with Vegas growing from around 5,000 in 1930 to 1.9 million in 2008.

While Nevada struck gold with gambling, some of its residents would develop an unhealthy habit of literally spending all of their money on gambling.

A worker in Las Vegas who worked for three years maintaining slot machines in various establishments narrated how one woman lost both her and her husband’s jobs and their home to gambling… and still kept the habit. The woman said how her husband did not trust her anymore.

“[He] makes me take him everywhere so it’s harder for me to go to a casino.”

Because of Vegas’s high profile for gambling, even convenience stores such as 7/11 have slot machines. | Image source: Jocelyn Voo on Flickr

However, due to Nevada’s legalization of gambling, slot machines are everywhere in the city, even in 7/11 convenience stores. Thus, when her husband takes her, she would still be able to gamble as even in such establishments there are still slot machines.

“Trick’s on him, these things are everywhere.”

However, gambling addiction is not the only thing occurring in its casinos. Many anecdotes from the locals and workers narrate that people would be so drunk they end up using gambling paraphernalia as public toilets.

In one instance, a local remembered how an old woman had uncontrollable diarrhea in a video slot machine.

“She didn’t bother to leave.”

In another instance, a guard of a casino recalled a drunk pregnant woman crying and defecating inside the premises. Another whack situation came from a worker, who recalled how a man ended up ordering drinks even when he was drunk. Security had to escort the guy out of the premises but not after the guy peed on one of the blackjack tables.

There are legal brothels found in some of the rural counties in Nevada. Nevada is the only state in America that permits prostitution. However, it is not legal in Clark and Washoe counties, which contains the Las Vegas and Reno metropolitan areas. | Image source: CBS News

Nevada has legalized prostitution

Aside from its casinos, Nevada is known as the only state to allow prostitution through the use of licensed brothels. However, prostitution is only allowed in some rural counties. Urban areas like Reno and Las Vegas do not permit brothels.

Despite this, majority of prostitution occurring in the state happen in Nevada’s two largest cities, with 90% of it happening in Vegas. Moreover, the illegal status of prostitution did not stop Vegas from having whack stories involving sex workers and sex in general.

A lifeguard for one of the pools in Vegas recalled how he had to apprehend people attempting to have intercourse in the pool.

“How many people think it’s cool to f**k [sic] in the pool?! You need a room key just to get to the pool area. Walk your h**ny **s back to your room to f**k [sic].”

However, whack stories regarding sex do not just come from observers. There are also anecdotes from those who have been involved in the act itself. In particular, girls shared their little secrets during their time in Vegas.

One girl admitted that she booked a one-way trip to the Sin City and became a stripper there for three months after she broke up with her ex. Another girl remembered how she and her ex once paid a hooker/prostitute to watch them have sex.

Couples also admitted to enjoying their time in Vegas’s sex industry.

“My husband and I slept with a high end prostitute in Vegas. Totally worth it. Taught us a lot. Highly advised!”

Even outside night and strip clubs, public intercourse remains apparent. Another couple admitted they once had sex inside a bus full of old people.

“Most of them were drunk or asleep so I doubt they noticed.”

Nevada has also legalized recreational and medical marijuana. | Image source:

But is everything legal in Nevada?

Nevada’s ‘neoliberal’ approach in governance have made it a frontrunner in the legalization of policies like divorce, gambling, and prostitution. After all, it was through these policies that helped the state transition from a forgotten state into a tourism hub for both Americans and foreigners wanting to escape the strict regulations that other states impose.

However, the state has its limitations. While Nevada did legalize both medical and recreational use of cannabis or marijuana, it still does not allow other stuff — cocaine and other illegal drugs, for example.

Regardless, Vegas locals saw their fair share of visitors who thought everything in Nevada was legal.

A local working in a hotel recalled how a group of Latinos from South America was snorting drugs in the hotel lobby full of guests in broad daylight. They seemed genuinely surprised when the local told them that snorting drugs is illegal in Vegas.

“What do you mean? This is Vegas! Everything is legal here!”

They even invited the local to snort with them but the local told them that if they really want to, they have their private hotel room to do so.

Another guy, in a separate anecdote, saw a man throwing his hands up as if he was praising Jesus while rubbing his nose. After further study, he realized he was inhaling a substance every time he raises his hands up.

Various Nevada laws have made the state and the city of Las Vegas into an extraordinary destination for tourists. However, while the legalization of gambling gave Vegas the title of “Entertainment Capital of the World,” the state’s relaxed restrictions gave birth to weird stories that adds a whole new meaning to ‘entertainment’ — wacky, but memorable.

However, as these stories occur, some locals wanted out of the city’s extraordinarily weird antics due to the indecency that came with it. As one resident would put it, Vegas is a crazy city to grow up in.

It is a sin to not commit sin such as gambling and debauchery in the Sin City. However, as Nevada laws dictate it, there is a proper way to commit sin than basic human indecency that some locals want to disassociate themselves from.

