The Tables Have Turned!: How a CJ Rant Page that Cancelled OPCs Cancelled Themselves

Heathcliff Phoenix
The Unfolded Truths
6 min readJan 7, 2021

It was the coronavirus disease 2019 (CoViD-19) pandemic where people tend to be bored and felt locked up inside their houses with health protocols to be followed on quarantines to avoid its spread. If such, anybody became BDOs themselves finding ways to ease this. And for campus journalists, Online Press Conferences (OPCs) are one way to turn them on.

But within said contests, problems cannot be avoided while going through the process. Hence, proper communications between the facilitators and the contestants are a must. However, if such management became unresponsive on such matters for solutions, a bigger action must be taken.

That is why a Facebook page called BootLeague, with over 435 likers and 443 followers as of today, opened its doors for campus journalists to make a rant about different conflicts and miscommunications on the joined OPCs. Finally, for many CJs, BootLeague became the Raffy Tulfo version of the youth journalism world where they could scream and shout and let it all out their concerns over the contest if they felt to be oppressed and cheated upon.

Yet, lately, BootLeague’s path of dreams and success suddenly have been derailed, as their recent posts of rants turned the tables of canceling said OPCs on them.

Just this August 8, the said page posted 5 rants from different people hitting 3 OPCs at a time. One is hitting with the Pinoy Quarantine Online Writing Press Conference (PQOWPC) with a person in the code name of “Hector” of the famous teleserye Kadenang Ginto, that complains about their facilitators also being the judges for their pieces, and the Behind The Fold: Digital Presswricon over a contestant that prioritized their live video awarding more than her online classes the morning after, yet only was dismayed due to technical difficulties and their delayed making and posting of certificates.

By this, many campus journalists nationwide were set off regard the main objectives of the page of providing a fair environment for each, that to what they have witnessed is very contradicting to it. With the BootLeague’s tolerance of said posts, another movement has been outraged.

With facilitators of the concerned OPCs such as BTF and other standby contestants commenting their voices over BootLeague’s oppressive actions, a hashtag “#OustBootLeagueNOW”­ has blasted off. It is for some called it, a call for a revolution to end the observed wrongdoings of the said page that change their perspective over its real purpose: a mass report.

Such movement was participated by different OPC and WriCon Managements, whether being reported or not on the hot seat page, posting posters that afternoon about ousting BootLeague’s to their reigning throne as the number 1 confession site for contests conflicts by reporting them through Facebook, which to the point they have proven to be the real of bootlegs themselves.

“Sana naman i-evaluate n’yo muna ang mga pinopost n’yo. Please ask the page/Faci first bago ipost ang lahat ng mga sinesend sa inyo para ma clarify kung tama ba o mali. Lumalabas kasi na tinotolerate n’yo ang mga sender.” A news writing facilitator from BTF bravely commented on one of the BootLeague’s first respond about their critics and bashers, saying that the page created just a “shaming game” for OPCs by not calling them out in a proper way.

But what could be amusing is with the fact that a small set of online revolution united people that was once parted over by the n page due to their different partakes on certain OPC’s actions.

One of the Campus Ink Guild (CIG)’s former administrator and facilitator, the first-ever OPC that BootLeague fired up into, making them gained lots of popularity and respect from many CJs over their courage on posting confessions about its disobedience for its own rule on letting their facilitators enter the contest, expressed his disbelief about the said page that he had felt all along from the start of the issue.

“It’s a page that shouldn’t exist. It only promotes toxicity and tolerates non-journalistic, non-professional behavior that campus journalists are known to be contrary of.” He stressed out.

Moreover, he went back to CIG’s popped issue that driven off BootLeague’s admins to the euphoria of fame, saying that they may have pointed out the wrongs of their OPC, but only use it for personal welfare afterward.

“Like aware ako may issues nga ang CIG pero BL didn’t have the right to back ride off of it. It’s exploiting in a way.” He also added.

And speaking of change teams, even those who have benefitted before on BootLeague’s provided privileges within their old confessions voiced out another call, that the medium of complaints itself should be, at that time, kick out of OPC world.

One of the former biggest followers of the page, and even what of those who highly criticized CIG, agreed on the shouted voices of those who are commenting despite being thankful for what BL did for them in the past.

Much more, he made savagely fun of BL’s claim in their sarcastic post, mocking those who are attacking their notifications are angered about ABS-CBN shutdown and using the #DefendPressFreedom but want their page to be shut down.

“Never use the #DefendPressFreedom card, lmao. Hindi naman kayo press mga hangal.”

Yet, even though with these strong arguments, the science technology writer requested everybody to not perform a mass report, but instead contact first BL’s heads in a diplomatic way to conduct proper steps.

What could have been special for this movement is having a National School Press Conference (NSPC) qualifier for pagsulat ng lathalain also taking the lead on correcting the rant site that he once idolized.

Just like the first commenter, he also expressed his gratitude over BL for giving him the courage to show his disapproval of CIG and other past OPCs and WriCons’ mistakes, yet he now needs to point out a much worse mistake of BL for this case.

“Magandang may bootleague para may mapaglalabasan Ng mga HINDI PINAPANSING HINAING ANG MGA CAMPUS JOURNO. Pero Yung ganito? Makalat na masyado eh. Bakit pa kailangan pa ipost sa public? To give shame to them?”

He also admitted being one of the first confessors on the page, yet he then clarified that he learned something from it for his whole life not only as a campus journalist but on personal as well.

“Well nag rant din Naman ako dati and I guess Alam nyo yon, and NAKAKAHIYA sa part ko Kasi hindi JOURNALISTIC na maituturing. And I learned a lot of lesson because of that.”

After the said date and the movement, Facebook has not yet taken up a response about the mass reports of the CJs for the revolutionary movement. Yet recently, the BootLeague admins strike up once again after a long time of inactivity, coincidently alongside the launch of the National Campus Press Congress (NCPC) and even this Christmas break. After that, it was still all peaceful and quiet for the page, but as to what others feel to happen, they will suddenly erupt once again like an inactive volcano for a very long time, which could be unpredictable if it is for the cause of good or bad.

At last, BootLeague has seen its roundabouts in their world full of bootlegs and being a bootleg themselves. It could have been the page that started the movement for canceling OPC that showed to be unworthy, yet ended up with even their hundreds of likers and followers want them to be gone in Facebook’s blue world. And at this point, many are hoping for its admins to realize their shortcomings and that they will feel more pride in sharing legitimate information as a CJ job, and that greed for popularity and power will be devoured by the words of Journalist’s Creed. No one knows what could be the next to come up of those behind the controversial page, but one thing they can be sure of by now about their upcoming plans is either to be awaited to receive praises or the good of bad karma.

