Gen Z’s Top 5 Financial Mistakes-How to Avoid Financial Pitfalls in Your Youth

The UnHuman Life
Published in
6 min readNov 16, 2023

Are you constantly burdened by stress, unable to escape its grip, especially when it comes to managing your personal finances? Feels pretty tiring of being trapped in a financial maze right?Is there a way to get out of this maze?

Well, the answer to this is ‘Yes’. “If there’s a will, of course there’s a way”

Gen-Z or Generation Z consists of individuals born between the mid-1990s to the early 2010s,and they have shown to be more financially savvy than any other generation at their age.

“I prefer to make the most of my free time by working on projects that will increase the stability of my income.”- Gen Z viewer.

Gen Z is a group of young people who have distinct characteristics and tastes since they were raised in an innovative and technologically advanced society. They desire luxurious living, freedom, and the ability to make their own decisions.When it comes to financial freedom,Gen Z viewers are more committed than others.

Despite the fact that earning money and realising the value of financial independence at an early age are essential.They tend to go with the flow without thinking about whether they might need any financial support in the future.

“Your legacy is written by yourself, make the right decisions”. Our future can be greatly impacted by the financial decisions we make now.

Well, you don’t have to be a mathematical genius to calculate your finances wisely. You have to strike a balance between enjoying your earnings and planning for the future.

It’s time to jot down the typical financial blunders along with the solutions that young adults should steer clear of before they lose everything.

1. Overlooking the power of Saving

Mistake-Well, the ability to take spontaneous decisions is appreciable. When it comes to your finances, think twice before you take any decision..Things we see in reel life are not always true.The energetic spark that young adults have might result in an unorganised lifestyle where spending takes precedence over preserving.

Rectification Area-To a specific savings account, set up an automatic transfer. It should be your first priority to accumulate an emergency fund large enough to cover three to six months’ worth of living costs.Gen Z members may prioritise their costs, cut back on wasteful spending, and save money for emergencies and future objectives by putting good budgeting tactics into practice and practising financial self-discipline.

2.Inadequate financial literacy

Mistake-Financial decisions made by young individuals are typically ill-informed. Financial literacy is crucial if you want to better understand your wealth and how to increase it. Many people find themselves ill-prepared to handle their finances efficiently because they lack a thorough knowledge of basic financial fundamentals.

Rectification Area-Make the most of your time by studying personal finance.To start your financial journey, read books on wealth management, view films about financial development and stability, listen to podcasts, and attend seminars or workshopsThe more deeply you dig, the more beneficial it becomes for you to secure your financial future.

3.Overspending on your lifestyle

Mistake-Presuming to be someone they are not is the issue with the young stars, though. Within the realm of appearance and pretence, people often splurge on lifestyles beyond their means and indulge themselves into new trend purchases. They tend to lose everything quickly in this game of proving their worth.

Rectification Area-To begin with, live the actual life rather than the reel life. That reel world doesn’t need you to move beyond it. Ultimately, managing your finances is a full-time job. Give each need and desire its due. Convert to saving and investing at the same time. Keep in mind that practising financial restraint now will lead to financial independence later.

4.Learning to differentiate between good and bad debt

Mistake-Don’t make debt part of your regular routine. One thing that may make your life unpleasant is debt. Like everything else, debt has two sides. Financial independence can be severely harmed by large debt accumulations and loans, particularly credit card debt and other high-interest consumer debt.

Rectification Area-If you have unintentionally incurred debt, you must be sure to pay it back as soon as possible. While certain debts, like mortgages and college loans, may eventually be viewed as investments, other debts, like consumer debt with high interest rates, can cause financial hardship. People may keep their financial situation in good shape by avoiding needless borrowing and giving priority to repaying high-interest debt.

5.Holding Large Credit Card Balances

Mistake-Respondents from Generation Z lack basic financial knowledge, such as understanding how to handle debt. Shedding light on the fact that, compared to other demographics, this generation uses credit cards three times more frequently.Credit cards should only be utilised in dire circumstances, as opposed to purchasing anything with credits anytime you want it.

Rectification Area-Did you step on the journey of creating wealth or making the credit card companies richer?First and foremost, you need to monitor your financial balance. Make the switch to using cash for transactions rather than credit cards. Your restricted finances will prevent you from making unnecessary purchases. Up to and until there is an emergency, prioritise cash and credit equally.

Well,my Gen-Z people, did you jot down these points or wait for the drowning situation to hit? Let me put it in your words.Well, none Jack will be rescuing you, exactly as in the Titanic.You have to be your own Jack and avoid jumping onto the sinking ship by exercising prudence beforehand.After all, we are humans; we make mistakes, but that doesn’t mean the same will be repeated.

To avoid the mistakes, let me introduce you to the Jack you will be needing in your life right now. Did you check out the new wealth hacker journals brought by “Unhuman”? Do check now- . This Jack will be taking care of your wealth journey. You will be able to track your expenses, create a meaningful budget and your investment plans, guide you through the nuances of debt and investments, so you can pave the way for a secure and prosperous financial future. Most importantly, remember this will require your time, dedication and commitment because you have to trust this process.Get ready to conquer your financial goals with confidence!



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