“Mastering The Japanese Art Of Budgeting And Saving Money-Kakeibo”

The UnHuman Life
Published in
6 min readDec 5, 2023

Konnichiwa, my fellow money-savers and budgeting enthusiasts! Brace yourself for an enchanting expedition into the captivating world of Kakeibo — the Japanese art of budgeting and saving money.

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step”. Wave goodbye to bewildering spreadsheets and mind-numbing calculations; Kakeibo beckons you into a world where financial harmony, simplicity, and a dash of Zen take centre stage.

One hundred years ago, in 1904, Hani Motoko, the first female journalist in Japan, created a method to assist time-pressed women in managing their money and making wiser financial choices.

She thought that women may be financially savvy despite having hectic schedules or not being able to afford to pay financial advisors. Kakeibo, or the “money journal,” was born out of this concept.

So, time has arrived, grab your financial passport, and let’s embark on this easy-flowing escapade, unravelling the secrets of Kakeibo with every turn of the page. Ready for the adventure of a lifetime? Let’s dive into the serenity of financial zen!


When we close our eyes and dream of Japan, it’s the enchanting allure of cherry blossoms, sushi feasts, and the serenity of traditional tea ceremonies that paints our mindscape. But, hold onto your financial passports, because beneath this cultural tapestry lies a secret treasure waiting to be unveiled — the mystical world of Kakeibo.

Kakeibo, a practice that originated in Japan in the early 1900s, promotes mindfulness and purposeful spending in addition to using apps and spreadsheets. Pronounced “ka-kay-bo,” the Japanese money idea of journaling for efficient budgeting is known as “Kakeibo.” In a nutshell, it’s an idea that helps you establish a sound budgeting, saving, and spending cycle.

Each month serves as a blank canvas for introspection in the universe of Kakeibo. Take a minute to consider the past before jumping into the next month. What proved effective? What did not work? Learning, developing, and honing your financial creativity are more important than passing judgement.

Its emphasis on spending rather than conserving makes it appealing to me. But don’t get too enthusiastic just yet. Kakeibo makes sure you keep a log of your spending so you may more easily save money.

Benefits of using Kakeibo-

“Our spending habits are deeply cemented into our daily routine, and the act of spending also includes an emotional aspect that is difficult to detach from”.

  1. Making a budget that makes sense for you can let you concentrate on the things that really count, like your aspirations, objectives, and the odd sushi feast. As you tag along, you will see the difference that budgeting becomes more like a casual conversation than a terrifying exercise in maths.
  2. This will help you become a more responsible financial decision-maker as the adventure begins. In order for you to grow steady on your road, it will keep encouraging accountability and responsibility.
  3. It involves more than just keeping track of your spending; it involves creating your financial narrative, one entry at a time. Your finances become a blank canvas, ready for you to write the next chapter with the help of journals, just you need a notebook and a pen. Don’t forget to check out the “wealth hacker journals” as you dive deeper in this journey.
  4. As soon as the voyage begins, the cycle will transform your financial objectives into attainable constellations, leading you to a place where your aspirations are within reach and your wallet is strong. It will help you make larger savings.
  5. Deeper exploration of the way to achieve the ultimatum in this financial trip will reveal that building wealth that flourishes is more important than only making money. Gaining financial independence transforms your financial environment into a flourishing garden of success by scattering the beautiful flowers of deliberate living along the path.


Don’t get surprised by this technique; what if I say no technology will be used? Now what- how do we go by that? You will just be needing a notebook and a pen.

The goal of Kakeibo, like other budgeting systems, is to help you understand your relationship with money by keeping a record of everything that comes in and goes out.But what distinguishes Kakeibo is that it doesn’t require Excel sheets, applications, or budgeting tools. It highlights the value of physically writing things down as a contemplative approach to absorb and examine your spending patterns, much like bullet journaling.

So,Are we good to start? Any notebook will work and don’t forget to take your pen. You can even take colouring pens to make it look appealing and eye-catching.

Don’t let your wallet take a hit from unnecessary purchases. The Kakeibo method encourages mindful spending with these simple questions.

  • What makes the item attractive for me to buy it?
  • Do I have enough money to afford it?
  • How frequently will I be using it?
  • What’s my emotional feeling about buying it? Happy, sad or confused

Asking questions to yourself will surely give you the clarity to make faster, smarter and more logical decisions about whether to spend money on a particular item.

  • Start by separating the needs and wants at first. With the help of Kakeibo Journal, you can start tracking your expenses and separate purchases into four categories: needs, wants, culture, and unexpected expenses.
  • Identify those areas where you’re squandering money and make savings by keeping track of and managing your spending. By forcing you to consider which category an item falls into and if you actually want to buy it, Kakeibo promotes awareness with every transaction.
  • Subsequently, create your spending plan, determine your monthly savings target, monitor your expenses, determine the amount you spent on each category, and evaluate your overall success.
  • A better, more fulfilling life will eventually result from the positive habits you form when using Kakeibo. These habits will enable you to save more and spend your money on the things that really matter.

‘Kakeibo is your friend, not your enemy! It’s about finding balance happiness through small adjustments, not deprivation”. Anyone may improve their financial situation by using the straightforward and successful budgeting technique known as Kakeibo.

““Trust yourself that you can do it and get it”-. You may save more money and lead a better, more fulfilling life by keeping track of and managing your spending and bringing awareness to every purchase.

It’s time for you to get ready to kick off your budgeting adventure with Kakeibo? Hold on a second — it looks like you might be missing a crucial piece. Drumroll, please: “The Journal.” Dive into your Kakeibo journey with the exquisitely crafted “Wealth Hacker Journal from UnHuman.

This journal is your go-to for managing financial plans, tracking budgets, and keeping tabs on expenses — plus, it won’t stop inspiring you along the way. Also, remember the journey will require dedication, concentration and most importantly consistency. Don’t ever give up. Start sailing on an enchanting odyssey, where you’ll discover the secrets to everlasting positivity, vibrant health, and the art of spreading boundless happiness. Get ready to make budgeting a breeze!



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