Unveiling the Truth: Debunking the Top 4 Wealth Creation Myths!

The UnHuman Life
Published in
6 min readDec 19, 2023

Imagine sitting down with your wallet for a heart-to-heart, wondering if the money advice you’ve been soaking in is like a treasure map or more like a prank leading you on a wild goose chase. Relatable, right?

We’ve all been there, high-fiving ourselves for nailing down what seemed like golden advice from friends or family. But, hold up! Time for a reality check –

“Don’t believe everything you hear; Real eyes, Realise, and Real Lies!”

Those well-intentioned conversations often weave a tapestry of myths that have been circling for ages. The hitch? Few brave souls challenge these financial fables. It’s time to step into the ring, face these myths head-on, and unveil the actual gospel.

Well the process of creating wealth isn’t an overnight success. It takes your long term commitment, hard work and determinations. Make sure your goals are clear and you are able to fulfil them one by one.Most importantly the affirmation of believing yourself- “I can do it”.

Fear not, we are here to to swap those money misconceptions for some cold, hard truths and transform your financial fairytale into a blockbuster reality.So, grab your popcorn and get ready for a ride that’s more enlightening than a financial TED Talk but with the excitement level of a rollercoaster dipped in espresso — because your wealth deserves a plot twist!

Myth Buster 1 : It’s okay if I’m starting to invest late,I can make up for the lost time by investing more

Starting your first job feels a bit like entering a whole new universe, right? But let’s get real for a moment — your paycheck might be doing a funky dance, barely making it through the financial limbo. And saving or investing? It’s a bit like expecting your loose change to whip out a magic show.

Now, the go-to move for many is thinking, “I’ll pump the brakes until my salary decides to hit the growth spurt. Then, I’ll stroll into the investing world with a fat stack of cash, making up for lost time.” Cue the plot twist: it’s not exactly the blockbuster ending you’d hope for.

But here’s the scoop: there’s no enchanted wand or time-travelling gadget that beats starting the money journey early. It’s a bit like planting a financial seed — small, yes, but it sprouts into something pretty impressive. “No matter what the statistics say there is always a way”- Bernie Siegel

Don’t procrastinate or seek alternatives. Begin your journey of human growth and development today by investing what you have in your wallet. This won’t harm you; instead, it’ll work wonders. Forget about the superhero entrance; the real power move is getting into the game right away.

Myth Buster 2: Adopting a fast approach strategy can double my wealth

Think of your investments as a dynamic garden, analogous to a space where financial seeds germinate into bountiful harvests.Using the growing of a tomato plant as an example,expecting an immediate yield the day after planting is unrealistic,expecting an immediate yield the day after planting is unrealistic.

In a similar vein, the financial ecosystem functions similarly. Despite the common misperception that quick growth is the main goal, the secret to success is to carefully plant the seed, tend to it with care, and watch your rich garden expand steadily over time.

This analogy underscores the importance of patience and strategic nurturing in the financial realm. A thoughtful, planned approach to investing is similar to caring for a garden, where patient tending over time produces pleasing results.

“There is no real short cut to success; it requires us to take action daily, to be persistent and consistent in our efforts which is not always easy to do”.That being said, the key is to take a methodical and patient approach, realising that achieving financial wealth is a process rather than an immediate reward.

Most importantly believe in yourself, be consistent and shift your mindset to a millionaire’s mindset. It’s the careful, meticulous nurturing that really brings about miracles and long-term success in this complex realm of financial growth.

Myth Buster 3:Investing And Forgetting Is A Good Way To Get Rich

Alright, let’s have a small Ted Talk about investing — it’s a bit like finding your way through a maze. Some folks are always switching up their investments, like trying on new shoes in search of that elusive pot of gold. On the flip side, you’ve got those who toss their investments in the attic and forget about them.

Now, neither of these approaches is your golden ticket to wealth creation. What you’re aiming for is that comfy middle ground, that sweet spot where you’re not micromanaging every cent but also not letting your money nap in the corner.

So, here’s the business plan: give your investments a yearly check-up. Think of it as checking your financial pulse. See if your investments are dancing to the beat of your goals or if they’ve decided to go on a solo run. If there’s a major shake-up, review your finances and make some adjustments. It’s like giving your car a tune-up — not too often, but enough to keep things humming smoothly. If you can achieve that balance, managing your finances will become more of a cup of tea than any complicated mixer.Making it a habit for your five-minute daily journal will gear up your financial growth.

Myth Buster 4: Stocks are only bought by speculative investors

Let’s simplify it — exploring the stock market is a bit like testing the waters for many of us. The real challenge is figuring out how much of your money should join the stock market journey. It’s a decision influenced by your comfort with risk, your tolerance for financial swings, and how long you plan to let your money stay in the game.

Think about the speculators, the high-fliers in the financial world. They are searching for exciting, daring manoeuvres, doing daring financial acrobatics with audacious wagers and a market cha-cha.Sounds exciting, huh?

But here’s the deal — that’s not a sustainable route for the average investor. It’s like trying to handle a wild stallion when you’re used to a smooth pony ride. Not the best strategy for safeguarding your wealth or reaching those consistent growth goals.

Here’s the secret mantra for the rest of us average people: diversify your stock assets as though they were quilts. Playing the long game is key; sow financial seeds and watch them grow into money trees. Consider it as tending to a garden and stifling the want to pick those tomatoes as soon as they appear.

Remain invested, my friend, and watch as compound interest gradually works its magic. Similar to allowing a good wine to mature, the longer the better.

Is your car ready to go on a smooth, long drive to a destination called ‘the land of wealth’? There will be no more hurdles you will be facing during the journey because we have taken good care to remove the myths that have been tripping you up on your financial journey!

Oh-wait! Looks like you are missing out on one of your essentials that will keep you highly motivated and determined during this trip. Yes you got me right.The wealth hacker journals beautifully crafted by Unhuman, will ensure to guide you correctly at every step. Just as you wouldn’t leave your phone behind, make daily journaling a habit for at least 5 minutes. It’s the secret sauce for a smoother, better journey ahead.

Achieving financial success is a step-by-step journey, making wise choices and tending to your finances like growing trees from seeds. With a clear understanding, enter the realm of wealth creation, led by knowledge and persistence, navigating your financial journey towards prosperity.

Let’s not procrastinate- start it from today onwards.The key to adding meaning to life? Become the change you want for yourself.



The UnHuman Life

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