Go to The Unicorn Factory
The Unicorn Factory
The Unicorn Factory aims to help you feel better in the here and now, while making it a hell of a lot more fun to work towards the big crazy dreams you have for your future (and all your smaller hopes and dreams too!)
Note from the editor

The Unicorn Factory is on a mission to make feeling good the new normal, in a world that tells you that you can only find happiness via hard work, struggle and pain. We're human… so not every day is going to be rainbows, sunshine and unicorns, but why can't it be normal for the good stuff to outweigh the bad? For the shit hitting the fan to be the exception not the rule? The Unicorn Factory makes it okay for the tough moments to be tough, while taking you on an adventure to discover a world where enjoyment, satisfaction and fun are part of your everyday experience.

Go to the profile of Helen Clamp
Helen Clamp
It’s okay to be different // It’s okay to feel whatever you feel // Listen to yourself, trust yourself and be unapologetically YOU!